Exercise thread!

Anonymous #8732
@Nightweaver20xx Β 
I suppose it depends on how loosely you’re willing to define a work out. I do try to get a daily amount of exercise, which in my case is more along the lines of setting the treadmill for an uphill slope and walking for an hour, but that’s about it really.
Anonymous #69E0
The answer probably lies in how broadly you define β€œworkout.” I do my best to get some form of exercise every day, but usually that only entails an hour of brisk walking on the treadmill at an incline.
Anonymous #69E0
I try my best to do some form of exercise every day, but usually that just entails an hour of brisk walking on the treadmill at an incline.
@doodle baseball
Anonymous #5530
Deletion reason: Spambot

Already went for a walk, but with how good I’m feeling, I think I’ll do some in-home exercise too >^-^< Valentine’s went incredibly well, Debby is so back baybeeee (yeah my real name is Debby for anyone who didn’t know lmao)

Anybody work out except me? I do but I suck at it. I can only bench 110 and run 4 miles in a half hour on the elliptical.
I am new to running on the elliptical trainer. I’m not even as good as you, but I believe that if I practice and persevere, I will get better and better
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