Count to 1000


3673, so long as your art isn’t hurting anyone, always be proud of it! I purrsonally a-purr-eciate so much art people make, even if it’s dumb or poorly drawn or whatever! My current style of pixel art is loosely based on gen 2 Pokemon, and my style of image editing is like, edgy and punk. I wanted to combine the two. Brightens my day to see the art people make, hopefully mine brightens yours :3
Anonymous #5BF5
Deletion reason: Rule #6

3677, it’s not just a Sonic Adventure, it’s a Kiki adventure, in the much-anticipated follow-up to my Aipom post! I would like to clarify, I love it when people do the YouTube numbers thing, and that’s what I was trying to get across. Hope my monkeying around wasn’t taken the wrong way :3
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