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The Mane Six, plus the Cutie mark Crusaders reimagined as Eeveelutions!Jolte-Dash is the fastest eeveelution, whether on land or in the skies. She commands thunder and lightning.
Flutterleaf is quiet and in tune with nature, everything from plants to animals. She wouldn’t even hurt a Zubat.
Flarie Pie likes to go to parties. At her birthday party, she blew the candles on. (Hah, hah)
Vapority is calm and beautiful like flowing water.
Esparkleon is skilled and powerful with her psychic attacks. She takes after her mentor, Celesteon.
Emberjack uses her fire to cook apple-themed delicacies! Her high attack also helps with hard farm work.
The Evolutionary Explorers are three little Eevees who explore together in hopes of evolving.Also check out Celesteon and Luneon, the Eevee-fied versions of our favorite sun and moon princesses
thanks to SpindleWinter for coming up with a punnier name for Twilight Sparkle