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Joey’s Original Description:  
Five years ago today, image >>0 was uploaded, marking the official opening on a small image site that started off simply as a hobby and a proof of concept. And five years down the road, it has grown into one hell of an amazing community! Happy birthday, Derpibooru!
On behalf of the Derpibooru staff, I would like to thank each and every one of you for making this community what it is. Whether you’re an artist, a regular in the comments section, an uploader, or just someone who lurks silently, you help make the site what it is today.
I would also like to give a huge thanks to everyone who submitted their characters to this collab I was blown away by how many submissions this little project received — I seriously wasn’t expecting even a hundred characters total, but instead, there are nearly three times that amount in this picture.
And I would especially like to thank all the wonderful artists who offered to draw OCs for other people, for free, so that they can also be included in this celebration. That was an amazing and kind thing to do, so thank you! And I have been keeping track of everyone who offered to do so too, so if you’re one of those artists, expect a little reward within the next few days ;)
Full download:
The uploaded image has been resized, as it was too large to paste in full detail. You can download the original, non-resized version here: (55.4MB, 13500 x 9000 px — Do not download on a metered connection or older PC)
So what does the site look like after five years? Here’s some statistics that occurred over the past 24 hours:
21,219,467 CDN hits (3 TB bandwidth)
57,163 unique users
777 images uploaded
2,798 comments posted
And some statistics since the site was launched five years ago:
1.1m images
5.7m image comments
12k topics
2.7m forum posts
188k users
1 best pony
Included images (In no particular order):
>>1014740 >>1121478 >>1121482 >>1121490 >>1139376 >>1156107 >>1169933 >>1177897 >>1215110 >>1255084 >>1258132 >>1276896 >>1277357 >>1280261 >>1297643 >>1302745 >>1305101 >>1308163 >>1308182 >>1308257 >>1308273 >>1308297 >>1308324 >>1308361 >>1308402 >>1308459 >>1308591 >>1308653 >>1308735 >>1308776 >>1308787 >>1308790 >>1308836 >>1308860 >>1308940 >>1308985 >>1309008 >>1309019 >>1309072 >>1309307 >>1309360 >>1309363 >>1309420 >>1309518 >>1309531 >>1309645 >>1309776 >>1309778 >>1309856 >>1309875 >>1309929 >>1309963 >>1309975 >>1310021 >>1310061 >>1310066 >>1310065 >>1310100 >>1310138 >>1310167 >>1310170 >>1310179 >>1310186 >>1310218 >>1310237 >>1310299 >>1310329 >>1310452 >>1310453 >>1310475 >>1310589 >>1310768 >>1310910 >>1311026 >>1311245 >>1311311 >>1311418 >>1311441 >>1311494 >>1311555 >>1311632 >>1311703 >>1311895 >>1312246 >>1312268 >>1312306 >>1312408 >>1312600 >>1312815 >>1312879 >>1312993 >>1313168 >>1313257 >>1313296 >>1313414 >>1313574 >>1313600 >>1313635 >>1313824 >>1313995 >>1313996 >>1314075 >>1314175 >>1314223 >>1314420 >>1314506 >>1314509 >>1314512 >>1314566 >>1314762 >>1314771 >>1315123 >>1315309 >>1315390 >>1315430 >>1315432 >>1315480 >>1315510 >>1315566 >>1315610 >>1315629 >>1315743 >>1315809 >>1315835 >>1316570 >>1316722 >>1317020 >>1317446 >>1317450 >>1317573 >>1317640 >>1317777 >>1317780 >>1318442 >>1318573 >>1318636 >>1318832 >>1319109 >>1319495 >>1319590 >>1319605 >>1319692 >>1319714 >>1319836 >>1319845 >>1319884 >>1319907 >>1319908 >>1319926 >>1319943 >>1320079 >>1320119 >>1320181 >>1320191 >>1320351 >>1320428 >>1320468 >>1320488 >>1320530 >>1320568 >>1320597 >>1320629 >>1320688 >>1320732 >>1320908 >>1320953 >>1320959 >>1321084 >>1321102 >>1321215 >>1321315 >>1321323 >>1321716 >>1321799 >>1321926 >>1321929 >>1321931 >>1321982 >>1322005 >>1322010 >>1322141 >>1322291 >>1322318 >>1322367 >>1322426 >>1322460 >>1322489 >>1322498 >>1322611 >>1322623 >>1322769 >>1322845 >>1322988 >>1323026 >>1323073 >>1323422 >>1323437 >>1323531 >>1323585 >>1323651 >>1323691 >>1323791 >>1323990 >>1324038 >>1324203 >>1324226 >>1324264 >>1324271 >>1324413 >>1324415 >>1324461 >>1324463 >>1324490 >>1324561 >>1324617 >>1324658 >>1324681 >>1324703 >>1324709 >>1324792 >>1324824 >>1324960 >>1325017 >>1325045 >>1325361 >>1325407 >>1325431 >>1325442 >>1325445 >>1325604 >>1325640 >>1325668 >>1325696 >>1325830 >>1325878 >>1325926 >>1325965 >>1326006 >>1326007 >>1326008 >>1326039 >>1326061 >>1326076 >>1326078 >>1326079 >>1326081 >>1326085 >>1326086 >>1326116 >>1326130 >>1326188 >>1326201 >>1326210 >>1326283 >>1326316 >>1326331 >>1326489 >>1326537 >>1326580 >>1326668 >>1326743 >>1326744 >>1326745 >>1326772 >>1326842 >>1326880 >>1327289 >>1327573 >>694083 >>906658 >>951808

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zest4 oc:litmus paper6 oc:lorelei kernav1 oc:lotus lullaby1 oc:lucky duck1 oc:lunette5 oc:mack2 oc:mack mod1 oc:marquis majordome7 oc:marshmallow15 oc:maximus pride1 oc:mellow rhythm8 oc:melodic stream1 oc:melody guardian1 oc:melody notes4 oc:melon frost5 oc:mercury shine23 oc:midnight dew6 oc:midnight light5 oc:miles bright7 oc:milo6 oc:mint condition1 oc:minus5 oc:mixi creamstar5 oc:moonlit ace2 oc:morning blast1 oc:motion paradox1 oc:mugen kagemaru1 oc:mythos gray3 oc:natura1 oc:neko heart1 oc:nick nack paddy wack1 oc:night sky1 oc:nintendy4 oc:ore pie4 oc:osha5 oc:overcast1 oc:paige turner2 oc:painted note3 oc:paperglue3 oc:parcly taxel57 oc:pat thundersnow7 oc:peeps9 oc:pegasus 3161 oc:penny curve10 oc:penny rich1 oc:pepper doll1 oc:pixel perfect5 oc:pokecure1235 oc:proxyjack1 oc:puppy love7 oc:ragtime melody7 oc:rainbow feather1 oc:raven blake1 oc:rb1 oc:recon probe4 oc:red velvet2 oc:renard prower1 oc:retrotech1 oc:right away1 oc:roxie stars1 oc:rustback7 oc:sable edge4 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pupils1632 smiling52322 smirk860 socks2972 soda256 species swap5123 spiked wristband364 spread wings6363 squee14 squeeing5 squishy cheeks61 stallion3714 stars1895 straw196 striped clothes1215 striped legwear922 sunglasses3261 sunset732 sweater3275 swirly eyes246 t-shirt1494 tablet238 tail176806 tail bow218 tattoo2120 teeth34144 telekinesis581 text26481 tired344 tongue50410 tongue out27054 top hat329 topwear48476 toy1040 traditional art10667 trap89 unamused3218 underhoof1258 updo4 upside down675 vector1549 wall of tags489 watercolor painting241 watermelon220 waving707 wavy mouth222 webbed wings4562 whistling19 wide eyes716 wingding eyes3721 wings27946 winking3229 wristband794 young5575


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