Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Anonymous #CA6D on image #113587

Anonymous #CA6D
never really saw the issue myself, then again in my case it was medical necessity, because that IS in fact a thing as it can be wrapping the schlong too tight and mess with blood flow and i have had to deal with things getting lodged in there too, i can only imagine how much worse that can get when you have a literal meat pocket there.

(not pre
aching it as gospel though. i had that done 20 years ago by now, no idea if penile medicine has made any significant breakthroughs inbetween)
and i ha
ve experienced neither performance issues nor felt like i missed out on anything, though i imagine a kick between the legs would hit harder.
No reason given
Edited by Anonymous #CA6D
Anonymous #CA6D
never really saw the issue myself, then again in my case it was medical necessity, because that IS in fact a thing as it can be wrapping the schlong too tight and mess with blood flow and i have had to deal with things getting lodged in there too, i can only imagine how much worse that can get when you have a literal meat pocket there.

and i have experienced neither performance issues nor felt like i missed out on anything, though i imagine a kick between the legs would hit harder.
No reason given
Edited by Anonymous #CA6D