[NSFW] Ambiguous species but species is unknown?

Satu Putra
Artist -

I am wolf therian 🐺
@JACKRABBIT said that it was an ambiguous species, but I don’t really know what is ones species, so I removed the ambiguous species tag on both of them and added the unknown species tag to both of them. The index said that the ambiguous species tag isn’t meant to be used for images with species that is simply unknown to the user. If you have to, tag with unknown species instead. The fact @JACKRABBIT tagged it with ambiguous species made me think that she thinks ambiguous species is simply meant for unknown species.
It was the same as these images https://furbooru.org/images/289067 and https://furbooru.org/images/207798, but these times I didn’t correct them.
Is it actually correct for me to tag images of unknown species with unknown species?
Nevermind… I found out it’s an ambiguous species because it was made ambiguous.
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