Name: Rameshvara V. Katalin
Handles: Ram, Katalin, Valerianus, Val
Rank: Research & Development
Description: Whole-brain emulation of an undisclosed species uploaded within a masculine shark-like synth body. Compared to what little said of his original form, he claims to’ve traded up in physique, synthetically masked to appear young in his mid-twenties with grey, slightly reddish requiem-like skin & a long thresher-like tail.
His body is an “Exocet” selachimorph; a synth model hardened to survive
condensed physics-altering degrees of inertial force experienced in extreme acceleration. Numerous after-factory cybernetics enduing additional senses & cognitive enhancements have also been subtly integrated, with a few even falling into legally dubious areas, including a
‘‘hot core’’ security-grade cyberbrain
kernel-patched with various “skillsofts” & “pathotronics”.
Finally, while his head, neck, & torso are braced by synthetic bone, the arms & legs are supported by a frame of artificial cartilage reinforced by a self-repairing mosaic of Carbon-Boron-Nitrogen
‘‘tesserae’’, resulting in limbs that are near-unbreakable and sturdy, yet still pliant enough to non-destructively bend under enough force.
[ ♫ ]
Notes: At one point was merely a 20-something drudge living a quiet life many centuries ago. In the natural order of things he would’ve lived, died, & his personal achievements would’ve eventually faded with him, with one notable exception: Rameshvara V. Katalin was one of the first sapient test subjects for synthbrain connectome architecture imaging. His last pre-reinstantiated memory was being lured & coaxed by an attractive wunderkind professor & her interns to lie still while wired up to a strange machine, before suddenly getting barraged with an overloading maelstrom of bizarre sensory input.
When he was re-instanced a century later within the virtual simulspace servers of Preserved Connectomics Limited, & given his first orientation by a “CAIS” (lowtech “comprehensive AI service”) donated as a personal assistant for life, he found that the future was the world he always wanted to live in. He would soon later discover though that he’d be assigned into indentured servitude to defray the steep costs of recovering him out of ancient hard drives, & so for whole subjective millennia trapped in time-accelerated virtual labs of a subsidiary’s R&D robotics division, he’d toiled away under the tutelage & authority of the now-immortalized professor who had effectively enslaved him.
In the last decade Rameshvara has been finally released from his indentureship, only to discover he was locked in a second near-forgotten yet non-complete contract with other employers now trailblazing space colonization. Unable to earn his own credits, but at least now corporeal, he’s taken solace in that his new occupation pushes him to diversify into new fields and frontiers.
Roleplaying/Motivations: [^ Science] [^ Power] [v
‘‘Carbrey…’’ ]
Millennia of slaving away in time-accelerated simulspace labs, as well as frequent “forking” & “re-integrations” has left him somewhat unbalanced; occasionally he fantasizes blueprints for doomsday devices or super-soldiers. In an attempt to avoid these destructive fantasies, he’s grown accustomed to keeping himself evened out with “pathotronic” cyberbrain algorithms, resulting in a more gleeful personality, that while a bit unsettling, doesn’t have unproductive & intrusive thoughts, such as seeking to weaponize
vacuum-materialized antimatter to destroy perceived enemies. While some worry what damage he would be capable of if turned loose, others fear what precisely Rameshvara may’ve been mentored & used by his former employer for.
Quote: “They say madness is rampant in this sort of career. Some have even personally called me mad…”
“Because I dared to dream of my own new race of Amazonian goddesses, celestial giantesses with
herculean strength and Olympian forms,
with hearts burning hotter than thermonuclear fire,
that’d feast upon nebulae for sustenance,
Wanders off from the listener, continuing on in his rambling tirades out the door.