@Jinx the rabbit was at town hall, hardly a secret, though she would be touring the circumference of the under construction city walls on occasion as well.
“Splendid. I’ll keep you in mind.” She turns to Agniya, “what more is there to learn? I’ve wasted many a tool; this gift will not suffer the same fate.”
Agniya: “to fight at yourf ull potential you’d have to both embrace and spread more of it, neither will be easy, but if you can turn the populace it will be so much easier for you, especially when you prove the most rotten, for any lesser taken would empower you.”
@Jinx a small unassuming hovel in the rabbit’s district, one might mistake it for a hole in the ground as the warrens usually are, inside would be much grander and much more visited, rabbits had only the barest understanding of privacy.
“I shall do what I can there. If I am not needed here, I should return for now, and work on the next step.” Not that she yet knew what that step should be.
@Jinx the inside was bustling like a city unto itself, but sure enough there was the rabbit girl with the architect cap, and oreo had not been kidding when she described her as fluffy. a few instructions to her entourage and she entered a room, presumably hers.
Agniya: “you should look into the criminals of the country, the ambitious and cunning among them would be quite receptive to our offers, i’m sure.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me. If they don’t turn people off to the idea, I’m sure they’d be a valuable place to start. But if I had to eat the heart of one already consumed by it, how will they receive the gift also?”
“the heart was to render you immune to some of the… worse side effects, take the bottomfeeders of society, for they will neither be missed nor pitied, as their bodies and minds fall apart.”
@Cerebrate she was expert at getting around those, and so she did, the rabbits dokr silently being opened and shyanne slipping in. She was wary of any pistols the rabbit may have