I am extremely disappointed that I have to be making this in the first place. When Derpibooru was crashing and burning, I was told that this site was different. That it was more accepting and had better morals. Only to, lo and behold, be found to hosting the art of people who are known and openly racist, such as Miles-DF, and people who draw tons of pedophillic content, such as Shinodage.
I’ve commented on a couple of images from these artists, expressing my concern about their art being posted here. But the only response I’ve gotten is to report the image if I don’t like it. But going by your own rules, if you don’t like something, just filter it and move on. I hate to break it to you, but that’s the same style of moderating that Derpibooru used/uses. And now they’re a safehaven for racists, nazis, and pedophiles.
Don’t let this site turn into what places like e621 and Derpibooru are. Do your due diligence. Be the site that is actually safe from the bad sides of these fandoms.