Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
He is creatively bankrupt.

I'm usually not one to knock an oc, but it didn't escape my attention how plain it is. And how he doesn't allow others to make ocs. And how he can't even wear a different colour from his oc.

Dude really needs to expand his mind and be creative and shit. I probably have more ocs meant for Dead Moon and stuff than anyone. And all the process of getting them created and everything has been fucking fun. And of course I was planning on sharing them on here. We've just had all this stuff going on but ya know, someday :3 And the ones I can't make on HeroForge, I can draw. I do still have the Pale Horse. So I do suppose that's what I'll do with all my characters I made >^_^<

I was wrong to choose the colour green. It is the least creative colour.
No reason given
Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys