Elly Catfox 

You can't just snap out of it most of the time, and honestly there are a lot of reasons to hate the world.
Don't tell him that they'll necessarily help him cause it's not a guarantee. Last time I tried getting help I just got into a fight with a transphobic staff who was saying stupid shit and then I got kicked out, and most times it honestly doesn't help and I just get sent to shitty doctors who give me shitty meds that don't work. On the flip side, I did eventually find one that helps me sleep so it's better than nothing. I have a good therapist too, and I'm glad I sent that asshole at the hospotal home with bruises.
The point to take away isn't to get false hope that they're just gonna magically help you and that you can trust and rely on the system, it's that you deserve better, you deserve to try, you have people who give a shit about you and there are diamonds in the rough, people in this godforsaken wasteland that get it, that will get you, and that you can be happy with someday. It just takes a long-ass time to find then and find your rhythm and shit. But you deserve to try. It probably doesn't feel kike that a lot if the time, but that's one of those core beliefs you have to fight over and over again, but you can overcome it.
I'm not saying you necessarily will. I'm not going to give you false hope and rose-tinted glasses. The world is a shitty, dark place, and not everyone is a fucking winner, certainly not us. I'm just saying, there is a future you can slowly build and find, with happiness and a purpose, even if it's not everything you dreamed of and it still has a lot of bullshit in it. You can figure out how to be okay. I'm still figuring it out myself and there's days I really want to kill myself too. But there are people who care, despite what you might think. I actually give a shit. It about ruined me when I saw your post. Not trying to guilt trip you. I just... Idk man, it messed me up seeing that cause I know I am have wanted to help you and it sucks when you don't know how to help someone. But I know you need it and you deserve it because I've been through it myself and I've seen and lost people I love because of it. It fucking sucks. So I'm not fucking giving up on you. I'm so sick and goddamned tired of seeing good everyday people who don't make the world a worse placeaxkilling themselves while the real assholes out there who actually _should_ off themselves are blissfully ignorant as ever doing their thing. I know your story man, cause you told it to me. You are hating yourself and your situation but it's complete bullshit man. It's not your fault, it just I'd what it is. You need to realize that it's not your fault and that you deserve to feel better than this and move on and find happiness.
You can't just snap out of it most of the time, and honestly there are a lot of reasons to hate the world.
Don't tell him that they'll necessarily help him cause it's not a guarantee. Last time I tried getting help I just got into a fight with a transphobic staff who was saying stupid shit and then I got kicked out, and most times it honestly doesn't help and I just get sent to shitty doctors who give me shitty meds that don't work. On the flip side, I did eventually find one that helps me sleep so it's better than nothing. I have a good therapist too, and I'm glad I sent that asshole at the hospotal home with bruises.
The point to take away isn't to get false hope that they're just gonna magically help you and that you can trust and rely on the system, it's that you deserve better, you deserve to try, you have people who give a shit about you and there are diamonds in the rough, people in this godforsaken wasteland that get it, that will get you, and that you can be happy with someday. It just takes a long-ass time to find then and find your rhythm and shit. But you deserve to try. It probably doesn't feel kike that a lot if the time, but that's one of those core beliefs you have to fight over and over again, but you can overcome it.
I'm not saying you necessarily will. I'm not going to give you false hope and rose-tinted glasses. The world is a shitty, dark place, and not everyone is a fucking winner, certainly not us. I'm just saying, there is a future you can slowly build and find, with happiness and a purpose, even if it's not everything you dreamed of and it still has a lot of bullshit in it. You can figure out how to be okay. I'm still figuring it out myself and there's days I really want to kill myself too. But there are people who care, despite what you might think. I actually give a shit. It about ruined me when I saw your post. Not trying to guilt trip you. I just... Idk man, it messed me up seeing that cause I know I am have wanted to help you and it sucks when you don't know how to help someone. But I know you need it and you deserve it because I've been through it myself and I've seen and lost people I love because of it. It fucking sucks. So I'm not fucking giving up on you. I'm so sick and goddamned tired of seeing good everyday people who don't make the world a worse place