I don’t know if this is still a thing, but who remembers the counting threads back then as forums were the thing? Let’s do this silly stuff too!
The Goal
The goal is to try to take over the world and having fun while doing so, narf!
If we create the biggest threat, err, I mean thread, then noone can ignore our imposing furry degeneracy anymore!
The Rules
• We count natural numbers (integers) starting at 1.
• Each post increments the number by 1.
• You may not post multiple times in a row (no double-posting)!
• If someone messes up, then just assume they counted correctly and keep on (they still might correct it by editing the post).
• The site’s rules still apply, of course.
The Fun
Otherwise you may type whatever you wish.
Maybe you want to vent about something, or talk about your day, or show your new toy.
Maybe you want to go look for a picture that features the next number, or you want to draw it.
Maybe you feel lazy and just leave the next number in text form adding nothing else.
Maybe you get fancy and use another numeral system such as binary, or use Roman numbers.
Use your imagination! …or not.
The Punishment
If you end up making a mistake, you’ll get a permanently banned from furbooru/furribooru and go back to school. This is a joke.
The Count
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