Lilly rests on Rita’s shoulder, taking a happy-nap, while Angel, taking delight in the company of the other women, enjoys a book. Rita however, isn’t particularly all that comfy being between these two. Can’t say I blame her all that much, this isn’t the first time she’s encountered the two…
I’ve decided to take a new approach with my drawing art (and animation for that matter). While some of my drawings are variously decent, they’re also a pain to draw, quite frankly, and cause me to burn out. Which causes to me, again frankly, forget a lot of the techniques and aspects I’ve learned, not to mention is discourages me from doing things like practicing to draw. And to be honest, I’m getting sick of it. While the drawings are, again, variously decent, it doesn’t feel like I’ve improved all that much. Getting a decent piece of art is just a hassle, and it becomes more of a chore then it’s worth, which adds to the burn out and reluctance to draw again anytime soon.
So in a way I’m throwing in the towel, and admitting that I am indeed an amateur artist, and that I’m not really that good at drawings. So I’m taking a more looser and messier approach, hoping to get into the habit of quality over quantity. In theory I’ll improve as I draw more…in theory.