Now the ground is getting sloppy. Tatiana seems pretty confident those boots are going to keep her feet dry. It can only help that I didn’t draw zippers on them :) I almost didn’t keep this one in the series, as the inks didn’t look so hot on the boots. And I tried to nk in the mud effects. Bleh. I re-drew the visible portion of the boot at the digital phase and made the mud on another layer, using transparency effects as a guide to shape the shadows and highlights to correspond to the folds and seams running around the ankle.
Coulda finished this one before nightfall, but kept going back and forth between the laptop and a Ben 10 marathon (with enhanced trivia popups) on Cartoon Network. I tall ya, drawing muddy ground is no walk in the park…it probably took the most time out of anything else I put into this 82MB pic. The trees were the easiest…’cause I cheated :) Copypasta FTW.
Micron-inked pencils colored in Micrografx Picture Publisher.