Race: Rathi, Canis Lupis
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Birthplace: [REDACTED] Ghetto of Relora, former House DeLaVega grounds
Guild rank: Blueband
Guild placement: Unassigned Greenback
Typical equipment loadout: Gemmings 105 Broadsowrd (Nightwatch variant), Riggard and Pascal revolver (Nightwatch variant) and Mercenary’s Guild silksteel uniform.
Personnel notes: Joined after three years of service in the Relora Nightwatch, initiated at age nineteen and having found remarkable success in each mission she has partaken, Aries Passadar’s history is surprisingly vague. She and her caretaker, Edna Riverden, lived in a ghetto of Relora and as such, records are inconclusive. She is highly aggressive in combat, having a broad range of tactical knowledge and constantly dominating any battlefield she’s in. Likely candidate for Combat Division. Naive and idealistic, she shows an unhealthy optimism about the world, but is highly intelligent in spite of lacking a formal education.