Before Twokinds, there was a black and white cat named Kaylia. She went through several designs and iterations, until eventually Twokinds began. The name became Flora, but for the first couple pages, she was still just a house cat. However, by coincidence, Halloween happened to fall a few days after the comic began, and I decided to try coloring Flora as a tiger. It was one of the first times she was ever in color, and what started as just a Halloween costume instantly became Flora’s actual design. I’d later go back and retroactively change her to a tiger in the first couple pages (which were black and white anyway).
In the comic before Twokinds, the main character was actually Raine! Raine and Kaylia were good friends / rivals in the series, which is funny, because in Twokinds, Raine and Flora have practically zero interaction with each other. Strange how things end up.