Enorach and Lars again! \o/
This time I wanted to show a less pleasant side of their job. The world they live in is in a constant state of turmoil, with wars and conflicts of every kind happening almost constantly. This is mainly due to the violent push from the Empire of Laatven against several south-western countries in an attempt to gain access to the inner sea and the trading routes there. The countries of Mirovia, Tresti and Aquilia, among others, decided to push back. After Lars defected from the Laatvian army and met Enorach, the two started working as mercenaries first for Mirovia and later for Tresti.
Even if the two are skilled and seasoned fighters, battles always take their toll. Enorach’s job is particularly dangerous and stressful as well, since he has to walk straight into the enemy pike formations and try to disrupt them with his two handed sword, with Lars and other footsoldiers right behind him. At least he gets extra pay for that, and the opportunity to be the first to put his hands on some enemy knight and demand some ransom later.
In any case, after spending hours and hours hacking at enemy soldiers and their weapons, with pikes and helberds smacking on his helmet while surrounded by screaming and dying men… well, I think we can understand why Enorach is NOT okay.