Name: Brush Prism
Nickname: Brush, Prism, BP, Brushie/Brushy(mainly for friends)
Parents: Buster Bolt and Berry Mint (not my real parents lmao)
Siblings: Pixie (not my real sibling)
Sex: Mare/Female
Type: pegasus
Age: 18 years (not my real age, I’m younger XD)
Special Somepony: none
Zodiac: Pisces
Occupation: Digital artist, youtuber
Birthtown: Cloudsdale
Town in which she lives now: Ponyville
Sexual orientation: ??
Personality: Nice, friendly, strange, annoying, stubborn (but don’t say me the last two >:v)
Likes: Drawing, reading fanficks, skateboarding and fly
Dislikes: meat, clean up, learn/school
Base by: Pegasski
Link: Don’t have
Did in Medibang