Not gonna lie you can probably expect more salazzle art from me in the future. There’s a lot of potential fun I could have with all this, and now that I’ve already broken my taboo and drawn one Pokémon, it wouldn’t hurt to draw her a few more times. Like say for example… parking that backside on someone’s face and dowsing them in pheramones under her rump… or gulping down a few soon-to-be additions to it’s mass. Hehe ;)
Why am I like this…
So yea! I hope you can enjoy yet another picture of a scalie girl with an absolute dumptruck of an ass. An ass which in this case has undoubtedly been kept nice and plump and squishy from eating lots and lots and lots of trainers who mistreat their Pokémon. If you’re gonna act like an ass, you might as well add to one as well.