How can I tell you without being hard on you? Oh, here it is: when PonySeb 2.0 just arrived at the hospital in Ponyville, he took off his clothes and laid on the hospital bed before being vaccinated by Nurse Redheart. In the other scene below, after PonySeb 2.0 was vaccinated against the Covid-19 injected by Nurse Redheart, he put his clothes back on his back and gives a hug to Nurse Redheart without realizing that she didn’t put her face cover.
At least, that’s how I see it in my imagination. ¯*(ツ)*/¯
How can I tell you without being hard on you? Oh, here it is: when PonySeb 2.0 just arrived at the hospital in Ponyville, he took off his clothes and laid on the hospital bed before being vaccinated by Nurse Redheart. In the other scene below, after PonySeb 2.0 was vaccinated against the Covid-19 injected by Nurse Redheart, he put his clothes back on his back and gives a hug to Nurse Redheart without realizing that she didn’t put her face cover.
At least, that’s how I see it in my imagination. ¯*(ツ)*/¯