Her design didn’t changed much, except i made few changes over her hair and has now hand paws. Minor changes over her profile. All i can say is that she’s an idealized version of myself because i don’t draw humans much, thus an escape from reality/difficult situations.
I’ll keep this design for now though.
Name: Tracy
Nicknames: Chibi, chibs, Tracy, Dracy
Age: ??? ??? (I posted the first picture of her on April 20, 2008. 9 years of cat age)
BD: Jan 19
Species: Domestic shorthair
Habitat: Modern-day era in Kemono/Furry World
Diet: Fish food (mostly)
Likes: Yarn, the red dot, anything girly, pastel, drawing, video games
Dislikes: roaches, spicy food, being late by herself, math
Personality: A happy-go lucky cat that is curious of her surroundings. However, she takes relationships very seriously which is why she has hard time trusting others.
Appearance: She is drawn in short stature, has white fur with pink tint, black hair, and pink-heart shaped paws on her feet and hands (and has claws).
Wardrobe: The ‘rectangle’ is like a storage for little things like candies. Her ‘shirt’ functions like a sweater; the ‘wrist’ bands almost cover her entire hand with only her fingers showing. Anything is possible, but i prefer her to draw cute-childish clothing.