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Beans/Rango first time
wow i haven’t written a story in over a decade _ but this was such a good outlet, I feel completely refreshed. I hope you guys enjoy :) and obviously the following story is rated R for m/f sex and hemipene goodness :T
fucking weird lizards
It’d been two weeks since Rango first stumbled into the wildwest town of Dirt, deep in the mojave desert. Beans, a young iguana woman had been the one to introduce him to Dirt, well, introduced by dropping him off a few hundred meters away, so no one could see her with him. At first he’d put her off terribly, he freaked her out with his strange antics. For gods sake she’d met him with no pants on, and then he had the audacity to put an arm around her during one of her ‘special moments’. He was a creep.
But after a week the new comer had proved his worth in what she could only describe as the most unconventional way imaginable. He’d managed to kill a hawk 50 times his size, he rid the town of the corrupt mayor and restored a never ending supply of water back to Dirt. Befriending Rattlesnake Jake, the devil of the west, was just a side note compared to the other accomplishments. She’d be lieing if she said after all of that she didn’t fall in love with him, and thats exactly what she did.
After all of the commotion and flooding, they could finally settle down and start a relationship.
She walked down the main road with Rango at her side, carriages rumbling past them, busy Dirtonians making their rounds, the occasional gunshot firing off from the Saloon. It was a normal, sunny day in Dirt. He was wearing his usual sheriff gear, and she was in her blue dress, careful to pick it up on one side so she wouldn’t wet it in any still lingering puddles. They found a seat on the porch of the sheriff office. She smoothed out her dress as Rango sat next to her. He offered to hold her umbrella, and she smiled and kissed his cheek. He was a sweetie; a rare comodity in the wild west.
“I wanted to talk to you about somthin, Rango.” Beans said, her sweet, gentle voice making him feel all melty. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to the sound. “What is it, Beans?”
She looked over her shoulder, then back to him, as if unsure. “Y-you know we been goin steady fer  
a few weeks now.” He nodded, smiling. “How could I ever forget?” She blushed, smiling back. “Y-yes….umm, I dont mean to sound too forward, but….isn’t something supposed to be happen’ now?”
“What like…holding hands?” He patted her gloved hand. “I can do that, or maybe you just cant get enough of my kisses?” She giggled as he playfully pecked at her cheek. “N-no, theys nice but no.” She cleared her throat. “Look, Angelique came up to me at the saloon the other day. She likes to tease me, an usually I ignore her, but something she saids been knawin at me fer days now.” She looked at him, her nose wrinkling cutely. “I just….I want to go….all the way with you…you know. Sexually.” She whispered horasely. There, she’d said it. She tried to ignore the small choking noise he made in his throat, his skin going almost full yellow in a fluster, his tail straight. She huffed and patted him on the knee. “Oh hush, it aint that big a deal! Aint like this is the 1700s, we can talk about sex like every other normal couple.”
He coughed into his hand, the yellow fading into his skin. “I-I know Beans, but what the heck are you doing talking about us like that in public?”
“I didn’t say nothin!” Beans snapped back, eyes going wide. “Angelique just knows! One minute we’re talkin bout how much water the bank now has, then a course she tries to start askin about how we’re getting along, next moment she’s teasin me about how i’m 27 and still a virgin! Then the table next to us could hear her and they started laughin tew!”
Rango cringed, “What the heck does she have against you?”
Beans rolled her eyes, “When we was younger I accidently spilled ink all over her blouse at school durin a english test….and I may have taken a shine to her boyfriend, and then he chose me over her. But it only lasted fer two days anyway, he was such a jerk. Oh yea and there was the time she-” “Ok, ok I get it.” Rango chided calmly, patting her hand. “Y….you know, why is it such a bad thing to be a virgin.”
“Are you kiddin me?” Beans glared at him, “She’ll never let me live it down. Hell she even says it aloud sometimes, it bugs the hell out of me! Thanks to her everyone thinks I’m a child, who’ll never be able to keep a man steady in my life. Before I know it I’ll be 40 and still unwed!” She sighed, shaking her head. “I-I’m sorry Rango, I dont want it to seem like thats all I expect between us. I’m so happy that we’re together.” She smiled genuinely, squeezing his hand. He smiled back and returned the sentiment. “Its really ok Beans…you dont have to worry about us.” they shared a loving smile, then she leaned forward and kissed him. He sighed happily and closed his eyes, melting into the seat.
They sat there for a while, watching the busy street, Beans nestled into his neck, and wrapped her tail around his. She found it cute how curly his was compared to hers.
He was surprised she’d bring something like that up….then again, it was Beans. She spoke her mind, unfiltered, a very hard and true woman, probably why all the men in their posse respected her so much. He found himself thinking about his own sexuality. If Beans was a virgin, she was going to either be very upset, or very happy, to discover that he himself had never been with a woman. He’d already confessed to her a few days ago that he’d been a pet, pretty much stuck in the same isolated box she’d grown up in. He wondered if she’d thought he was a virgin too, if that was the case.
“B-beans?” He said softly. Without looking up she hummed questionablly. “I think you should know….if you do ever want to go all the way with me, that I want that too.” She smiled into his neck and nodded. “Thank you, Rango.”
They had a quiet evening in together. She didn’t feel like going all the way back to the ranch, especially at night, so they decided to have dinner together in his office. It was a small building, with a table, a large enough stove, and his bed behind a wall next to the table. During the flood reconstruction a large petition wall and door had been added between the jail and the office. It was an easily crammed space with four people, but with the two of them it was nice and cozy, especially with the lantern light.
“Whats cookin good lookin?” He joked, looking up from a map he was studying of the surroudings of Dirt. His hat sat next to him on the table, along with bowls and spoons. Beans was at the stove, stirring a large pot. She playfully rolled her eyes. “Its my daddies special recipe’. ‘E used to make it for me when I was a little girl.” She took a bowl from the table and filled it up. It looked nice and hearty; beef stock with bits of veg and insect. She joined him at the table, and they began to eat. He had to hold his tongue, literally; he was still used to being a pet, catching his prey with his tongue. She giggled and moved a spoon towards him, which he took sheepishly. All of a sudden she went stock still, initiating one of her “special moments” He started to get concerned when her face started going red. “Uh, Beans? You ok honey?” He sat up and kissed her cheek, a trick he’d discovered worked in breaking the stare, and she instantly snapped back into reality. “Wha-wh….” She looked at him with wide eyes, her cheeks extremely red.
“What was that all about?” He took another sip of the soup. “Mmm, this is very good, by the way.”
“Y-yes, thank yew……………how long is that tong-” She coughed, immediately shoving a spoonful into her mouth. He stopped, a spoon to his lips, one eye looking to her. “What?”
“Y-yew got a long tongue…..thas’all.” She shrugged, wiping some spare bangs away from her eyes. “Is that a….Chamelin thing?”
He chuckled, “Chameleon. And yes, its how we catch our prey. Here, watch this. I bet you I can hit that spatula right off the stove, all the way over there.”
Beans looked on, wide eyed. “…go on.”
He puffed himself up proudly, and in one confident go he snapped his tongue out, the strange pink appendage smacking the spatula, right on target. It only took a split second, but for some reason Beans felt it took a full minute. Her eye twitched as she continued to stare at him, the red coming back into her cheeks.
“Wh…..what?” He mumbled, genuinely concerned at how she was looking at him. Before he could say another word she jumped into his arms, smashing her lips into his.“B-Beasph!” he muffled, but it didn’t take long for him to respond.
Their mouths smashed together, her tongue darting past his lips, in and out of his mouth, she gasped against him as she ran her arms up and down his back in a fevor. His own lips hungered for hers, his hands grabbing handfuls of her sweet smelling auburn curls. She sat in his lap, her tail curling around his leg. For once he was thankful for all of layers of her dress, surely she wouldn’t be able to feel just how hard he was getting. He melted at her touch, his brain going floaty when he heard her small moans. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they broke the kiss to take breaths. They looked into each others eyes; his as wide as a chameleons could be, hers heavily lidded and full of lust.
“Wow…I should show you my tongue more often, ha!” He joked, sweating. He was taken aback as she made out with him again, groaning into his mouth. She then broke off, smiling slyly. “Yes….yes you should. You should show me it, and you should show me it all night.” She raked a nail under his chin, taking pride in how his skin blushed a deep green.
Somehow they’d stumbled into the room behind the kitchen. Not sure how they were capable of walking, as they kept banging each other against the walls in a fury of making out. Beans wasn’t used to being so man handled and was quite dominating, and he had to fight to pick her up, then tossed her playfully onto his bed. He climbed ontop of her, and started to remove his red bandana and vest. She worked to get her light blue jacket off and her petticoat sash, but before she took them off she stared up at him, almost as if in shock. He was unbuttoning his white undershirt, but stopped to look down at her too.
She looked uncertain….maybe even scared. He touched her cheek and smoothed her hair back reassuringly. “We dont have to do anything if you dont want to.” Beans, through ragged breaths, closed her eyes and smiled. “I know, Rango….I want this. An’ I trust you.” She took his hand and led it from her cheek, down to the soft flesh of her upper breast. He gulped, almost shakingly running his hand down her firm corset. She sat up and turned around, careful not to smack him with her tail. Taking off her jacket, she exposed her bare shoulders and a glimpse of her back underneath the corset. “Yew kin take it off me if you want to.”
With shakey hands he felt around for the loose strings. Thankfully it wasn’t too tight, not that she needed a corset to make her any tinier. She still let out deep breaths as the corset was loosened, and soon she was out of it. He admired her bare form; he could see the soft outline of her shoulder blades and spine. Her body dotted with cute dark brown spots here and there. She looked at him over her shoulder, grabbing his arms, and led his hands to cup her breasts. She giggled softly as she heard him urp and felt his shakiness, loving the fact that he was so enamered with her.
“W-wow. So much better then plastic.”
“N-nothing……nothing at all.” He sighed happily and squeezed the soft mounds of flesh, burying his nose into her hair and kissing the length of her neck. He looked down at her breasts as he played with them. He loved how the lighter brown pattern of her snout ran down her neck, to her breasts and belly. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the universe.” He whispered into her ear, meaning it. Now it was her time to shiver.
“Even prettier then Angelique?” She teased, leaning into him. He growled, but then laughed. “You stop that…of course you are.”
She turned around and leaned against him, pulling him in for a kiss. He loved how her breasts felt against him, but craved to feel them against his own bare skin. He worked to get his shirt off, tossing it aside. She smiled in appreciation, seeing his own bare chest. He had a lanky, quite unfit form and she loved how cute it was. She already knew what he looked like further down, something she definitely didn’t appreciate at first. Finding a pantsless pantemimeing lizard in the desert, who could blame her for greeting him down the barrel of a gun.
She found her eyes following the cute pudge of his belly, and his “bite mark” belly button, down past his belt until- Her eyes widened, and she looked away blushing. Rango smiled proudly, “Is that a gun in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?”
They both laughed softly, as if to put off the heavy nerve they were both feeling. They sat for a little while in awkward silence, neither daring to make a move. Beans of course was the first to break the ice. “Ahh, come’ere you. You shouldn’t keep a girl in suspense.” She smiled and worked to undo his belt. Before she got to his zipper, she looked into his eyes for approval. He didn’t have to say anything, she could tell that he was ready.
What she wasn’t so ready for was what sprung out. “Two!?” She gasped and looked at him in disbelief. The worried look on his face brought her back a bit. “I-I mean, I’m just surprised.”
“We’re reptiles, we have… know, two of them. Err, I mean I have two of them, I….do you have two…you know?” Beans giggled and shook her head no. “Well thats what I get for living in a town full of too many mammals…boy sex ed was all a lie.” He looked down, finding his “appendages” deflating a bit at her response. She shook her head and kissed his cheek. “Why yew lookin so down troddin? Do you know how much sexier you are to me now?”
It didn’t take long for him to respond in kind, his curly tail and “other appendages” perking. Especially as she worked to get her large skirts, dress and pantaloons off. Her legs stretched up towards the ceiling as she removed her white panties. He was entranced by her legs, thin, firm and just right, spotted here and there. Her tiny feet and toes were adorable, and so was her striped tail as it wrapped around his arm for support. Now she lay completely naked in front of him, with just her locket around her neck. She was blushing hard, eyes lidded as she watched him carefully.
He was really fighting the urge to just take her right then. Instead he lay down next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her deeply. He sighed as he finally felt the privlege of her bare breasts pressed into his own bare flesh.
After a lengthy, deep kiss, they parted again, gasping for breath. “I need you to take me, Rango.” She whispered. He shivered in response at her forwardness. As he moved to lay ontop of her, she looked down between them, appreciating what was between his legs. He definitely wasn’t missing out on size.
She couldn’t wait any longer, eagerly spreading her legs for him. She had no idea what to expect or why she was moving the way she was, and by the look on his face she could tell he didn’t either. From what short experience she had, after discovering her long lost fathers secret box of various pinups and pirootments one time in the attic, it seemed like all the lady had to do was sit down and take it. She hoped “it” wasn’t going to hurt, or worse be an embarassment for both of them.
Rango dared a peak at what was between her thighs. She was as gorgeous there as anywhere else; there was a tiny slit of skin between her legs, and he touched her there. She bucked against his finger, but it was in a good way, so he stroked her deeper. His head melted at how warm and wet she felt inside, and it didn’t take long for instinct to kick in.
“I think I got this Beans.” He said reassuringly, leaning over her, he pressed one of his peni against her opening. Beans closed her eyes and waited as he poked around awkwardly, and then all of a sudden he was in. She gasped and held back a squeal, her eyes shut tight and her fists clenched in response to the pressure. All of a sudden the pressure gave way to elation, and she lay her head back. He twitched inside of her in response to her moan, his teeth clenched, eyes shut tight as he gasped for breath. “w-wow.” Was all he could manage to say, and she laughed breathlessly in response.
The both looked lovingly into each others eyes before he pulled away, and pushed back in with a little more force. They both gasped, and then he bucked again. Whatever this feeling was it was amazing, and she didn’t want it to end; she hoped to god he felt it too. His hips kept up the pace, and pretty soon she found her own hips moving against his. His heart lept at every tiny noise that came out of her mouth when he thrust forward, and emboldened, he began to kiss a trail down her cheek to her neck and collar. His lips sealed around her nipple, and he squeezed and sucked at it lovingly. She squealed in response, raking her hands over his bare back. “Sh-Sheriff Rango!” She huffed, her head tossing and turning against the pillow. He looked into her eyes and pushed some spare sweaty bangs away from her eyes, pinning her into the bed. “B-Beans-” He responded, and as if he read her mind his hips quickened the pace. He was almost slamming into her, the bed squeaking loudly as their tails wrapped firmly around each other.
It was perfect, but something was missing. As he fucked her she leaned up a bit, grabbing his other peni. He stopped stone still, squeaking, and it made her laugh. “This feels perfect darlin’n all, but what about this one.” She began to stroke him, her cheeks flushing red, as she looked into his eyes and directed the spare peni towards her opening to join the other one. “I-I guess I have two for a reason” He said, nodding, and slowly pushed inside of her. There was so much pressure that he absolutely couldn’t push in for fear of hurting her, and the look on her face was unreadable. She looked like she was having one of her “special moments.” “Beans, are you ok?” He said breathlessly. Finally she just lay back and closed her eyes, mouthing a “wow”, her chest heaving. “Oh-hh, goddamn I am definitely, hhh…ok.” She moaned breathlessly as he pushed further in, admiring how much wetter she was getting now that she had all of him in.
It took a bit of adjusting but soon the two of them found themselves over whelmed with lust. Beans was sweating, gasping for breath and moaning unabated. She was absolutely sopping wet, the sheets underneath their connection dampened. She never knew she could feel this good, and she had to bury her face into the pillow to all but keep from screaming. He felt the same, and before he knew it something inside of him was swelling up. He felt like he was going to burst. “Beans honey, I think….I think its happening.” He grabbed her hips and slammed into her repeatedly, and she screamed his name in response. It was as if a bolt of lightening struck him, and then everything went curiously muffled, fuzzy. His body stock still as he called for her, and as he came off his high he noticed she must have done the same thing. She was wide eyed, shaking, gasping for breath, her chest visibly heaving.
“What….what in tarnation was that.” She said inbetween breaths, looking up at him with wide eyes. He just laughed breathlessly with her, and kissed her forehead. “‘That there’ was your first orgasm.”
He collapsed ontop of her as she just lay there still wide eyed. “So thats what it feels like…”
Finally as the overwhelming relief began to ebb away, she released him, admiring the feeling and sound of him popping out of her. She appologized for the wet mess between them but he just shrugged and kissed her cheek. “Well thank goodness its such a sunny day.” She whispered and rested her head against his chest. She smiled in contentment as her ears picked up the sound of his heart thumping wildly in his chest. He held her close, their tails moving in unison to intertwine together.
They lay quietly for a while, staring up at the ceiling, neither wanting to speak but to just marinate in this lovely new sensation. Finally it was Beans who broke the silence, as she got up and leaned onto her elbows. She looked cute, curls of auburn hair framing her face as she looked down at him. “Boy, Angeliques gonna be furious when she finds out. Always thought she kinda had a thing fer you.”
Rango just rolled his eyes playfully. “Dont tell me all you could think about was her when we were…..well, you know.”
“Fucking?” She smiled at how he shivered in response to her voice saying such a word. She was going to have a lot of fun with him in future escapades…speaking of.
“Naw, you were well on my mind the whole time.” Then she sat up, and before he knew it she was straddling him. The look she gave him made him blush hard, and he could feel himself getting hard again. She looked down with lidded eyes, her dark lashes heavy and full of lust, her perky breasts heaving with excitement. “-And yewr gonna be on my mind all of round 2, too.”

suggestive63627 artist:jabbersart82 beans (rango)73 rango (rango)46 chameleon455 desert iguana73 lizard3028 reptile19235 anthro248104 rango (film)85 breasts163023 clothes149721 cowboy hat762 duo60539 duo male and female10009 female251434 flirting152 hat13732 heart12190 kissing2439 love heart1883 male108336 nipples84951 nudity134611


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