At Flüüfff 2019 I commissioned two artists to draw Moon Flower. It was the first time ever I commissioned someone. They had much freedom, I gave references in form of pictures and general notes about the character. Background and pose were left unspecified.
This one is by FynTheCat. She communicated much more with me. We sat down to discuss the colour possibilities, and she even made two sketches of different poses and I got to choose one.
As Yulynh’s drawing I am glad about the overall outcome, but also in this one there are flaws. For a long time I had the feeling that something’s really off. I could finally pinpoint it while post processing the scanned picture: Moon’s star (facial coat marking) is missing!
Other than that Moon looks more natural in terms of its personality. The pony looks a bit shy, sits on plain grass, and is not specifically styled. I especially like that the pony has actual hooves instead of unicoloured legs.
Unfortunately (and as expected), the scanner distorted the colours a bit. Especially the grass turned out lighter and gives the impression not being the same shade of green.