Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Anonymous #2B04 on image #50570

Anonymous #2B04
Tagged "featureless breasts"

Honestly this art style has more going for it than most people are going to realize at first. I'm no art snob and I don't have some kind of deep knowledge of art, but it's really cool how everything is simultaneously really simplistic and borderline "featureless" yet also dertailed and not cartoony either. It's good.
No reason given
Edited by Anonymous #2B04
Anonymous #2B04
Tagged "featureless breasts"

Honestly this art style has more going for it than most people are going to realize at first. I'm no art snob and I don't have some kind of deep knowledge of art, but it's really cool how everything is simultaneously really simplistic and borderline "featureless" yet also derailed and not cartoony either. It's good.
No reason given
Edited by Anonymous #2B04