I guess it sounds really arrogant and big headed to say that you like your own stuff, but that won’t stop me.
Credit to :iconcarriepika: (Carriepika) for the inspiration for Scourge’s belt/ some of his physique. Actually, a lot of how I view Scourge is inspired by her tumblr blog ASK A REAL SCOURGE, not to mention she’s an amazing artist. Go check her out if you haven’t already.
I decided that, instead of just outlining the characters in black colored pencil like I’ve done in the past, I’d use ink. That may not seem like a big deal to you, but it’s the first time I’ve done it and I really like how it turned out. Think I’m gonna keep doing this from now on. And you guys may see a few more humanized characters in the near future… :sonicwinkrazz: