And now, in the dim light of a hallway, observe as she exhibits for us the ADHD ritual known as *impulsive oversharing* in an almost pitiably self-own cringe.
These *ADHD-riddled* creatures have such *enormous* difficulty reading social clues, and are genetically *incapable* of judging when they should simply *stop talking*. Her *desperate* attempt to appear neurotypical and likable is the result of an almost overwhelming need to connect with others, demonstrating such an utter lack of self-control that provides a *fascinating* insight into the changing nature of *self-concept*, or how our conception of ourselves develops over time, given and endless cycle of *repeated failure*.
Coupled with an *overactive self-loathing* and an almost empathetic understanding of how *utterly cringe* they appear to others, this magnificent specimen will, sadly, kill both everyone surrounding them and themselves a number of times before dawn in an orgy of self-recrimination and outwardly directed shame and embarrassment.
Anyone observing this behavior has to be quick now. Otherwise they will find themselves between a rock and an incredibly, and *very*, bite-y place.