Sombra’s another one of those villains I’d love to see again, but I guess that’d be kinda hard considering, he’s uh… Kinda dead. But hey, I’ve had favs shatter and come back from the apparent dead before, so who knows.
That being said, I do like the comic arcs he appears in! Both Siege of the Crystal Empire and Reflections were really good, though I wish Sombra (Either one) would appear again, but I kinda doubt it. I guess Comic spoilers if you care about that Mirror Sombra will be depressed and evil forever while Reformed Sombra and Hope will be on their unending quest for Princess pieces.
So there’s mixed feelings here. On one hand, seeing Sombra in the cartoon again would be great, but it’d make his redemption in comics and Radiant Hope’s existence non canon.
Oh, and he’s also a shadowy horse who can grow magic crystals, I mean, how cool is that?