Maggie is a pegasus living in Ponyville with her aunt Robin, who runs a combination book store/antique shop known as the Hodgepodge. Orphaned at a young age, she was taken from Cloudsdale to Ponyville to stay with her aunt, who raised her as well as any mother. Maggie discovered her talent for caretaking when she found a foal separated from her mother, and looked after her until they were reunited. After that, she soon gained a reputation as one of Ponyville’s most reliable foalsitters: dependable and good with kids. Maggie’s a foal at heart: playful, affectionate, and cheerful, though a bit clumsy sometimes. She also has an enormous appetite, as can be testified by her chubby figure.
Pecan Sandy is the pegasus owner of Cookie Cabana, a cookie shop in Ponyville. She has a very strained relationship with her father, ever since her mother died, compounded by her talent for baking going against the family storm-crafting trade. She first discovered her talent when she found a book of her mother’s recipes, which further earned her father’s ire from being reminded of her again, and she moved to Ponyville to be on her own, and not be a disappointment to him any further. In spite of her estrangement, Pecan is a very outgoing, social, and sweet-tempered mare. Her skill with baking is unparalleled, she’s on good terms with all of her regular customers, and she also enjoys dancing, often times to the music playing at her own shop. She does, however, have her share of male admirers, which she can’t stand; she prefers stallions who know how to properly treat a mare.