In the clutches of the eccentric clean-freak Prince Nogouda, Thea Stilton faces a test of wills with stakes that couldn’t possibly be higher. Will the intrepid reporter be blessed with a rescue before being forced to walk down the aisle, or does a life in the crown prince’s clutches - the palace corridors filled with the echoes of her ticklish squeals and giggles - await~?
Based on a suggestion made by Pirate314 on my latest journal. Thanks!
The scene itself is inspired by the Geronimo Stilton episode ‘Clean Sweep’.
Truth be told I never read the books or saw much of the show, but I am discovering this series has a crazy amount of cute characters - almost too many, in fact, to the point that though I think they’d make for excellent ‘lees, I simply can’t summon the patience required to draw a picture with like six girls in it haha. Somebody tickle those Thea Sisters, please, I’m begging youuuu…