Another naku redesign! And this one came out of the blue!
I actually had done some drawing experiments for crystal a little while ago on the side whilst doing my radio show but I couldn’t find them so I just started fresh. Kinda glad I did too because I reeeeally like how this ultimately turned out.
Especially compared to her last official redesign:
I feel like I really managed to bring her to life and I’m so proud of this lil cutie.
Also like, looking at that old picture (first off why did I list her species as ‘usagi’ and then explained that it meant rabbit I literally did a keikaku meme before it was a meme) but like, her ref sheet is the most vague and noncommittal thing I think I’ve ever read XD
It’s almost mysterious how bland I managed to make her.
I mean, likes “having fun and making memories”?
Also I don’t think I need to list why I made the OC omg past Xai and you even missed the space at the beginning. Unacceptable.
But don’t worry I gotchu.
I feel like I better understand now that you can make a ‘plain’ character but still make them interesting. So hopefully the new and improved Crystal is better.
Also while in the previous character redesigns (so far Ruby and Jake before now) had colourpicks on their refs, I didn’t bother with Melody cus a) it wasn’t on her original so I kinda wanted it to match and b) everything’s pretty easily colourpickable from her image on the ref anyway, the only thing that isn’t at all is her eyes, but the eye ref is really just for my art style.
So make her eyes turquoise and you’re good.
However if yo udo want a version with the full colourpick it does exist.
Now I feel motivated to do the others! I’m on a mission to redesign them all after all.
I feel like I want to do Ichigo or Leo next. Though Melody I’ve done some sketching for already (which I also want to scrap and restart) and she’s at least been touched on recently. Zane already HAS a new design I just need to make him an official ref. Skye will be interesting to get to.
And then… Xai!
But until then, hug a bunny.
(with consent)