That moment when your commending officer, who is also one of the most badass and respected warriors of your city-state, finds you dozing off while on guard duty… That poor kitten is going to be in a lot of pain when he finally wakes up. :D
More kitties from the Tol’Kahir ethicity! :dummy: In case you are curious, I first mentioned them
HERE, and the guy in that sketch is the same one standing on the right here.
The Tol’Kahir built several city states around the biggest oasis of the western desertic regions, mainly in the area called Kahari Basin. Usually each city state controls a small territory with other minor settlements, with the exception of the Akhta city state that formed a pretty large empire. All Tol’Kahir territories are still independent, as the harsh desert conditions made it impossible for the human kingdoms to conquer them.
…ok, my setting is in desperate need of a larger, updated map…