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Blondi,The Turnspit Dog
The perfect time for a rare Thanksgiving Day Fic. Out of most Holidays Thanksgiving is very underrated as there are not very many to No Shows, Movies or stories about Thanksgiving. So I thought up a story myself About Thanksgiving in La-La land.
Prince Adolf’s German Shepard Blondi is tasked with cooking The Thanksgiving day Turkey & other meats for the harvest feast . When The palace Turnspit dogs are unable to cook the food after they are attacked & injured by a roaming stray mongrel dog. Adolf invents a wheel big enough for Blondi to run & turn the turkey.
ADOLF: Welcome to the Palace kitchen. one of my favorite places the kitchen always smells really good & it’s always warm on long winter days This is my mom & dads kitchen & when I become king of La-La land it will be my kitchen but thats another story.
In the ideal kitchen, a scullery (no matter how small) was attached, with one, or even two sinks for cleaning food and washing and pots. A separate pantry for storing china and glass (and silver if there was any) might be as small as a closet. It typically had a small sink for washing dishes, of wood lined with lead to prevent chipping. The larder for fresh food storage might only be a large cupboard, and the storeroom for dried goods and cleaning equipment might be another.
rooms were ideally single-purpose; thus, the proper Victorian home would have had a kitchen for cooking only, with separate rooms for food storage (the larder) and preparation (the scullery). Of course, as with today’s kitchens, the truth was that not many homes could afford an “ideal” kitchen, and the room was used for a wide range of functions.
The kitchen was typically located below ground, or on the lowest floor of the house. As it supplied the hot water for the entire premises, the kitchen stove “blasted out heat all the year round for up to eighteen hours a day.” Conditions inside the room were far from pleasant, with the gas burning all day and (at best) only a small window near the ceiling to remove the fumes. Floors were usually covered in linoleum, for ease of cleaning. This was often laid over a cement base in order to keep vermin away.
“The labor, steam and dirt all centered around the kitchen range,” fueled by coal fire. Before that time, baked items must be taken to a communal bakehouse for preparation. There were many styles of ranges, but the main features were a boiler to heat water and an oven (or ovens). By the 1860’s, “improved” ranges had hot plates to keep soups simmering, keep hot dishes warm, and even to heat irons. They had a roaster with movable shelves, which could be converted from an open to a closed oven by moving valves. One of the main advantages of the range was that soot no longer fell into the food in the oven (although it still might come down the chimney and fall into the saucepans). Soot in food remained a common problem, especially as there was no temperature controls on the range as the modern stove has.
The kitchen range must also be cleaned thoroughly and carefully, or the heated metal would spread the scent of scorched fat and burning food throughout the house. To clean a range, the fender and fire irons were first removed, then damp tea leaves were scattered over the coal to keep the dust down while cleaning was in progress. The ashes and cinders were raked out and separated, with the unusable ash saved for the dustman and the cinders reused in the fire. The flues were then cleaned and the grease scraped off the stove. The steel part was cleaned with bathbrick (powdered brick used as an abrasive) and paraffin, and the iron parts were blackleaded and polished. In a house with only one or two servants, the oven was swept and the blackleading applied only to the bars and front every day, and the rest was cleaned twice a week. If there were more servants, the entire process was repeated daily, including scraping out the oven and rinsing it with vinegar and water.
Cleanliness was indeed next to godliness in the eyes of our kingdoms citizens, and most of the cleaning was done in the scullery, companion to the kitchen and next up in our look Inside the Victorian Home.
ADOLF: & these two little girls are Adolf kneeled down petting the two stubby dogs are named Rosie & Goldie Canis vertigus, or turnspit, is an essential part of every large kitchen in La-La land. The small cooking canine was bred to run in a wheel that turned a roasting spit in cavernous kitchen fireplaces.“They arereferred to as the kitchen dog, the cooking dog or the vernepator cur,The turnspit was bred especially to run on a wheel that turned meat so it would cook evenly. And that’s how the turnspit got its other name: vernepator cur, Latin for “the dog that turns the wheel.”
“Turnspit dogs were viewed as kitchen utensils, as pieces of machinery rather than as dogs,” but to the royals in La-La land the dogs were viewed as part of there family especially in The Aryans kingdom of Atlantis. The dogs were accepted well into the Aryans views of hard labor. Everyone had a job here even the pets. & todays an extra special day for the our little turnspits because today is Thanksgiving & everyone in the palace will rely on them.
Rosie & Goldie, were two sturdy, short-legged, long-bodied turspits with curly hair Goldie was a golden wheat color & Rosie was a tentish red orange color. the two girls were sisters who worked in shifts 2 hours each. they ran inside a small wheel called a turnspit that resembled a hamster wheel. As the dog ran, it turned a piece of meat “rotisserie style.”, most large farms and houses in La-La land used Turnspit Dogs, It was a great life for Rosie & Goldie who both glorified there job; the dogs love cooking the food every evening, the wheel was typically suspended from the ceiling or wall near an oppressively hot fireplace. A rope or chain led from the dog wheel to the spit,and it was the dog’s constant motion that made it rotate at a steady pace. Consider that a large roast could take over three hours to cook! If the poor dog stopped to catch its breath, the meat stopped turning two dogs worked in tandem or in shifts (leading to the expression, “Every dog has its day”), the work took a toll on the dogs. driving them to exhaustion.
on the morning of Thanks giving the palace was already bustling with servants & people preparing themselves for Thanksgiving dinner Pyro had brought Adolf & Blondie from France to spend time with his siblings & family as Cain Chilla & the other elders prepared the feast The kids played outside on the playground.
Chilla instructed her kids to go out & play while they made Dinner. Blondie paced behind them taking a short cut through the kitchen only to be insulted by the cocky turnspit sisters.
BLONDI: so you girls ready to cook Thanksgiving.?
ROSIE: Well yeah, We were bred for cooking with out us there would be no Thanksgiving dinner & no turnkey for feast.
BLONDIE: Well I’m sure you girls will make a delicious feast this year
GOLDIE: Sure.?, Girl we know will make that delicious feast.
ROSIE: Mhmm a feast fit for a king
GOLDIE: don’t you just love the holidays
ROSIE: Mhmm every time the holidays come everyone in the palace depends on us.
GOLDIE:they should make us princess’s
ROSIE: & we still have Hanukkah & Christmas & New years to cook. will be busyier then two mice i a cheese shop. Besides it’s not you have any qualities to assists Thanks Giving.
BLONDI: I could help out with Thanksgiving
GOLDIE: German Sheppards are not cooks & you will never be a cook
BLONDI: I bet If you girls couldn’t cook you go absolutely insane
ROSIE: Like that will ever happen. now if you excuse me. Thanksgiving dinner awaits. why don’t you run along & play with Adolf.
Blondi sighed & walked off as one of the kitchen workers puts Rosie inside of the turnspit Hamster wheel for cooking lunch. when the kids get back from playing outside a few hours the youngest Aria accidentally leaves door open that leading outside from the kitchen. exhausted from turning the turnspit the two sisters stroll the kitchen sniffing the air & notice the open door. knowing they were not allowed to leave the kitchen the delectable smells from outside the kitchen enticed the two turnspit dogs. coming across a barrel of garage Rosie came acrossed aleft over bone & began to eat. Goldie joined in her sister snacking on left over food dispensed from the kitchen.
ROSIE: Oooh, a bone. Rose cheered as she grabbed the bone & began to chew it. Goldie joined in her sister distracted by the tasty leftovers from the unknown danger lurking.
a scraggily deranged mongrel with natted fur scoped the two small dogs eating by the garbage & slowly stalked over to them growling all the while. the two sisters turned with a cheeky over hearing the unwelcome growl & smiled grudgingly not offering to share there bone with the stray mutt. But the stray mutt only growled bearing his teeth at the two turnspits as they tried to pace back to the kitchen with the bone in tow the angry stray responded by stalking them before they could reach the open back entrance to the kitchen the angry mutt attacked them as they howled in pain dropping the bone letting out a loud yelp that could be herd from inside the palace. The stray had jumped on Rosie his jaws clinched on her back leg dragging her across the dirty ground & mauling her with his claws as she screamed in pain Goldie instantly came to her sisters defense but was out powered by the huge dog & found herself at the mercy of the deranged dog.
Fron inside the palace Blondie could hear the comotion inside from the hall way leading back to the kitchen.
ADOLF: what is it girl.? is there trouble.?
Blondie ignored Adolf & raced back to the kitchen to investigate the commotion. After catching sight of the strange dog & injured turnspits Blondi came to there rescue after grasping what had happend. with powerful jaws Blondie fought the dog as Cain Chilla & the kids caught up.
CAIN: NO…… Cain let out a worried scream tending to the injured kitchen dogs there fur spotted in blood & dirt from the attack both dogs had suffered broken legs & Rosie was badly mauled to near death. it was uncertain to them if they would make it. after Blondie chased the dog off suffering with only scratches & bite marks Cain & Chilla scooped up the injured turspit dogs in there arms & went to find Chilla’s mother Aliza Adi whom was a Veterinarian.
Back at Aliza’s clinic Aliza spent a half hour tending to the dogs whom were badily injured from the fight & were in need of a long rest. due to there broken legs they were unable to cook the Thanksgiving dinner. & Rosie needed a blood transfusion due to a major loss of blood & nearly died from the jaw marks on her throat. Rsie was near dead cut Aliza promise to save them. & said that if it wasn’t for Blondi chasing off the dog they would have both been killed.
Adolf congratulated Blondi with a pat on the head as Blondi walked over to the kennel where the two sister’s lay in pain behind a caged crate hooked up to IV lines & state machines. the wimpering dogs peered up at Blondi tears in there eyes.
BLONDI: you girls OK
ROSIE: No, our legs our broken we can’t cook the food & Thanksgiving is ruined there is no turkey for feast & noone will eat dinner this year.
BONDI: there must be something I can do
GOLDIE: Forget it Blondi we told you German Sheppards were not bred to cook
BLONDI: But we were bred to work. I’ll turn the turnspit for you it’s unfair the royal family can’t eat Thanksgiving because of an accident we didn’t plan for this to happen it just did.
ROSIE: you are not big enough to fit in our wheel.
BLONDI: maybe but Adolf is a boy genius he might be of some assistance. he always thinks of a way to make it work. I’ll go ask him.
GOLDI: Poor pathetic pup she just can’t face the facts.
Blondi went to find Adolf in assured him that she could cook the Thanksgiving turkey. Adolf resents this at first reminding Blondi that she was not small enough But Blondi insists that Adolf could invent a Turnspit big enough for her & could withstand her weight. Adolf smiled at the idea & agrees. & takes Blondi to his work shop where he begins work on the invention. while measuring & weighing Blondi for status in order to make a wheel just right for her. Blondi uses a a wheel he had collected from an abandon stage coach months earlier & descided to use it getting strong enough rope & even working in the kitchen in order to find an accurate place for it to work. Adolf tests it on Blondi in order to work out any malfunctions & bugs wrong with the device. Cain & Chilla congratualte there son’s idea & admore his quick thinking.
ADOLF: You still want to do this Blondi Turnspitting is a very difficult job I don’t want you to get hurt.
BLONDI: I won’t get hurt, I want to do this Adolf I want to help
ADOLF: Smiles
BLONDI: I can do this
ADOLF: I Know you can Blondi & I’m going to help you
when the evening drew near to cook the turkey Adolf reassures Blondi if she still wanted to do this. a Protestant Blondi agrees & says that she had too for the family. Adolf assures Blondi & hooks her up to the new turnspit. the kitchen servants prepare the turkey on the squre as Adolf put Blondi into the wheel by the side of the wheel that opend like a door & closed again when Blondi was inside. within moments Blondi began to pace the wheel as the ropes connected to the wheel turned the cranks & tukey at theame time as Blondi walked faster & faster. Blondi was working double the shifts for two dogs. so it would be hours before the turkey got done & Blondi would be worn from the wheels eternal round.
As minuets turn to hours Blondi was beginning to feel the tedious exhaustion of working the squre. Adolf urged Blondi on giving her words of encourage ment as he sat beside her in a chair by the oven.He wasn’t going to let Blondi give up easily. & continued to tell her that she could do it. Adolf’s inspiring words gave Blondi the strengths to pace onward as she refused to give up. As the final hours neared Blondi was worn out & stopped a few times catching her breath & trying to rest Adolf kept telling Blondi not to give up & it was not much longer now.
when the turkey was cooked evenly the servants congratulated Blondi who was exhausted from her endless run. After the turkey & food was done one of the kitchen maids took the turkey off the squre put it on a plate & took it back to the table.
ADOLF: You did it Blondi. you saved Thanksgiving I’m so proud of you.
but Blondi was literally out of energy & panting with exhaustion. Adolf let Blondi out of the wheel as the dog nearly collapsed in his arms panting all the while.
ADOLF: C,mon you need a nice long rest you disserve it.
During Thanksgiving dinner that evening Blondi lay resting under Adolf’s feet & was rewarded with the first piece of turkey from Cain & Chilla. as the family ate dinner the two turnspits congratulate Blondi & thank her for helping & apologize for underestimating . Rosie & Goldie then tell Blondi that they won’t need her help for Hanukkah & Christmas. & that they will be better by then. Blondi agrees that would be fine
BLONDI : I don’t think I’ll be turn-spitting again anyway.

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