Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Anonymous #B97B on image #11874

Anonymous #B97B
Don't get me wrong, a lot of people out there are very similar on their daily lives and sex lives too, or switch things up just based on their mood. Still, I find the best sex is whatever is opposite from the norm. Bonus points if it's both off the norm for daily life and sex life. A buddy of mine who usually a dominant type IRL _*and_* in bed said the best sex he ever had was the one time he was a sub.

I'm business-like myself, not a "looker", in a committed relationship, and people think of me as a "prude" or someone who shies away from the topic of sex IRL anyway. Yet the idea of being a total slut and fucked by random dudes like this is probably the hottest thing ever. Idk if the real experience would be. But it sure seems like it.
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Edited by Anonymous #B97B