Viewing last 25 versions of post by DoesNotExist in topic Species Listing

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Founder Artist - Had at least 75 images under their tag before the site has hit its 50,000 uploads milestone.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Artist -


No you won't be able to find all eevee when looking for mammals, so what. What if I wanna call vaporeon a fish but no one else does? Fuck me, gotta do what everyone else agreed to.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying it's bad that you'd have to do what everyone else agreed to and not call vaporeon a fish? Or are you thinking that we should go with the majority opinion and believe the majority is on your side? I really don't know.



If your answer is just "well you can minus out pokemon from a search" and guess what, YOU can add in pokemon to a search. it goes both ways and yours' isn't magically better just because its yours'.[/bq]

If somebody wants to filter out every single Pokémon from a search or a filter, they just have to minus 'pokémon'. If somebody wants to include all reptilian pokémon or bird pokémon in a watch or search, and the relevant Pokémon don't have these tags, you have to include each of the specific species themselves into the search. One of these is _*much_* harder and more annoying than the other.




And underlings? Slippery slope? Why are you acting like that? A pokemon is a pokemon, not tagging Snivy as reptile isn't gonna make it magically harder to find. You want to find pokemon by searching basic things, okay, I don't want to find them. Who is more right or wrong? You, apparently, according to you, certainly not me, certainly I have no good ideas at all and we have to do things your way no matter what because it's what you prefer and want. [/bq]

Sure, you can find Snivy by searching 'snivy'. You can't find all the snake Pokémon by searching 'pokémon, snake'. You say you don't want to find Pokémon by searching basic things? Why not? I do. That's two people here who would want to compared to one who wouldn't. Does your opinion on this sort of thing just straight up overrule us because you'd a mod? I would have thought searchability of the site would be better tuned to the desires of a majority users rather than a few mods, and the desires of people who want to be able to find things rather than those who don't.

Your simple solution isn't going to eliminate the subjectivity, because if people are just going to tag Pokémon what they want, then the tags are filled with inconsistent subjectivity. Here's a neat example; currently, the '[donkey'](/tags/donkey) tag has 18 entries. It does not imply equine. There are three images on the tag that have 'equine' and two of them have ponies in them, which themselves imply '[equine'](/search?q=donkey%2C+equine) . This is a small dataset, I grant you, but it's a snapshot of how tagging without implications can go.
No reason given
Edited by DoesNotExist