Viewing last 25 versions of post by AlexMSD in topic Rating Tags General

Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public


I'd say this one could probably stay safe, but is definitely walking that fine line. As for the implied vore, I'd say you're safe as it's not necessarily implying that the act of vore has taken place with evidence in the art piece. Just my two cents.


> How should this be tagged? >>565
> Is it safe? The title (*SNA
CKTIME*) and tags on FA (*vore*) make me not suFre ;) Dox"es it work like this:/ vore -> fetish -> not safe? Or not? But is it really vore, the second character is not even in the mouth. In the meantime I us/ed the taggs "`safe`" and [`imming/ent vopicre`](/tags/imminent+vore), but maybe something- like [`implied vore`](/tags-g/implied+vore) too? I don't know, those tags need descriptions.
> For ex
ampl?e on Derpibosoru t_here id=44s an [image 22608#05](
05) tagged as "C`implied vore`" and "`quFestioxnable`"] Swhich is ounldy micro swimming in front of an open maw, but then there is [image 2194921]( @tagged with both "`imminent vore`" and "`implied vore`" but rated "`safe@`". By the [vore @tag description from Derpi](
> > A living being having their head/tor
so mostly ivn anothe@?r

or otherwise being eaten.
> i
t [/should just bq]
e normal `vore` and not just `implied` or `imminent`, because the character is already in the mouth.

Defiantly suggestive. If I was a wee smol lad who stumbled across this site with mom behind the shoulder, I'd throw whatever device I'm holding if this came up.  

> Should this be `safe` or `suggestive`?
> >>782t
No reason given
Edited by AlexMSD
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public


I'd say this one could probably stay safe, but is definitely walking that fine line. As for the implied vore, I'd say you're safe as it's not necessarily implying that the act of vore has taken place with evidence in the art piece. Just my two cents.

[bq="CruFox"] Should this be @safe@ or @suggestive@?

>>782t [/bq]
Defiantly suggestive. If I was a wee smol lad who stumbled across this site with mom behind the shoulder, I'd throw whatever device I'm holding if this came up."@CruFox":/forums/tagging/topics/rating-tags-general?post_id=344#post_344
[bq="CruFox"] How should this be tagged? >>565

Is it safe? The title (_SNACKTIME_) and tags on FA (_vore_) make me not sure ;) Does it work like this: vore -> fetish -> not safe? Or not? But is it really vore, the second character is not even in the mouth. In the meantime I used the tags "@safe@" and "@imminent vore@":/tags/imminent+vore, but maybe something like "@implied vore@":/tags/implied+vore too? I don't know, those tags need descriptions.

For example on Derpibooru there is an "image 2260805": tagged as "@implied vore@" and "@questionable@" which is only micro swimming in front of an open maw, but then there is "image 2194921": tagged with both "@imminent vore@" and "@implied vore@" but rated "@safe@". By the "vore tag description from Derpi":

[bq]A living being having their head/torso mostly in another or otherwise being eaten.[/bq]

it should just be normal @vore@ and not just @implied@ or @imminent@, because the character is already in the mouth. [/bq]
No reason given
Edited by AlexMSD