Viewing last 25 versions of post by furred_researcher in topic Character Tag Categorization.

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.



Teen Titans":](/tags/teen+titans) :
cyborg (teen titans)":](/tags/cyborg+%28teen+titans%29

Spyro":](/tags/spyro+the+dragon+%28series%29) :
moneybags (spyro)":](/tags/moneybags+%28spyro%29

Foster's home for imaginary friends":](/tags/foster%27s+home+for+imaginary+friends) :
bloo (foster's home)":](/tags/bloo+%28foster%27s+home%29
All for this series implies -> "[Cartoon Network"](/tags/cartoon+network)
[Ed Edd n Eddy](/tags/ed+edd+n+eddy)
[plank (ed edd n eddy)](
All for this series implies -> [Cartoon Network](/tags/

Finding Nemo":](/tags/finding+nemo) :
marlin (finding nemo)":](/tags/marlin+%28finding+nemo%29) Des: Nemo's father
dory (finding nemo)":](/tags/dory+%28finding+nemo%29) Des: The female Blue Tang fish from Finding Nemo

All for this series implies -> [Disney](/tags/disney), [Pixar](/tags/pixar)
MLP":](/tags/my+little+pony) :
snow hope (mlp)":](/tags/snow+hope+%28mlp%29
moonlight raven (mlp)":](/tags/moonlight+raven+%28mlp%29
No reason given
Edited by furred_researcher
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.


"Teen Titans":/tags/teen+titans :
"cyborg (teen titans)":/tags/cyborg+%28teen+titans%29

"Spyro":/tags/spyro+the+dragon+%28series%29 :
"moneybags (spyro)":/tags/moneybags+%28spyro%29

"Foster's home for imaginary friends":/tags/foster%27s+home+for+imaginary+friends :
"bloo (foster's home)":/tags/bloo+%28foster%27s+home%29
All for this series implies -> "Cartoon Network":/tags/cartoon+network

"Finding Nemo":/tags/finding+nemo :
"marlin (finding nemo)":/tags/marlin+%28finding+nemo%29 Des: Nemo's father
"dory (finding nemo)":/tags/dory+%28finding+nemo%29 Des: The female Blue Tang fish from Finding Nemo

"MLP":/tags/my+little+pony :
"snow hope (mlp)":/tags/snow+hope+%28mlp%29
"moonlight raven (mlp)":/tags/moonlight+raven+%28mlp%29
No reason given
Edited by furred_researcher
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.


"Teen Titans":/tags/teen+titans :
"cyborg (teen titans)":/tags/cyborg+%28teen+titans%29

"Spyro":/tags/spyro+the+dragon+%28series%29 :
"moneybags (spyro)":/tags/moneybags+%28spyro%29

"Foster's home for imaginary friends":/tags/foster%27s+home+for+imaginary+friends :
"bloo (foster's home)":/tags/bloo+%28foster%27s+home%29
All for this series implies -> "Cartoon Network":/tags/cartoon+network

"Finding Nemo":/tags/finding+nemo :
"marlin (finding nemo)":/tags/marlin+%28finding+nemo%29 Des: Nemo's father
"dory (finding nemo)":/tags/dory+%28finding+nemo%29 Des: The female Blue Tang fish from Finding Nemo

MLP":/tags/my+little+pony :
"snow hope (mlp)":/tags/snow+hope+%28mlp%29
"moonlight raven (mlp)":/tags/moonlight+raven+%28mlp%29
No reason given
Edited by furred_researcher