Viewing last 25 versions of post by furred_researcher in topic Character Tag Categorization.

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

More "[Crash":](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29) Characters!


tiny tiger (crash bandicoot)":](/tags/tiny+tiger+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> "[crash bandicoot (series)":](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
koala kong (crash bandicoot)":](/tags/koala+kong+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> "[crash bandicoot (series)":](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
polar (crash bandicoot)":](/tags/polar+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> "[crash bandicoot (series)":](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
pura (crash bandicoot)":](/tags/pura+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> "[crash bandicoot (series)":](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
uka uka (crash bandicoot)":](/tags/uka+uka+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> "[crash bandicoot (series)":](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
Des: The mask in Crash Bandicoot games that commands and protects the villains.
penta penguin (crash bandicoot)":](/tags/penta+penguin+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> "[crash bandicoot (series)"](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29)  
[dr. nefarious tropy (crash bandicoot)](/tags/dr-dot-+nefarious+tropy+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> [crash bandicoot (series)](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29)  
: Evil Time Lord of Crash Bandicoot.  
[iron checkpoint crate (crash bandicoot)](
/tags/iron+checkpoint+crate+%28crash+bandicoot%29) -> [crash bandicoot (series)](/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29), [iron](/search?q=iron), [crate](/search?q=crate), [iron crate](/search?q=iron+crate)
No reason given
Edited by furred_researcher
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

More "Crash":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29 Characters!

"tiny tiger (crash bandicoot)":/tags/tiny+tiger+%28crash+bandicoot%29 -> "crash bandicoot (series)":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
"koala kong (crash bandicoot)":/tags/koala+kong+%28crash+bandicoot%29 -> "crash bandicoot (series)":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
"polar (crash bandicoot)":/tags/polar+%28crash+bandicoot%29 -> "crash bandicoot (series)":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
"pura (crash bandicoot)":/tags/pura+%28crash+bandicoot%29 -> "crash bandicoot (series)":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
"uka uka (crash bandicoot)":/tags/uka+uka+%28crash+bandicoot%29 -> "crash bandicoot (series)":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
Des: The mask in Crash Bandicoot games that commands and protects the villains.
"penta penguin (crash bandicoot)":/tags/penta+penguin+%28crash+bandicoot%29 -> "crash bandicoot (series)":/tags/crash+bandicoot+%28series%29
No reason given
Edited by furred_researcher