Sweet Blast 

Feeling cool
So. Anyway. This thread is about all the characters. However. Screencaps are on this thread legal as well as arts.
^Yeah. This must had been done. It exists? There's few fans of it? Then yeah. There must had been done a thread.^
1. No spamming
2. No arguing (I don't want drama here,okay? Perhaps it's a discussion who's your favourite character. Then that's okay)
3. Don't hate just because you don't know Teen-Z yet. That's why this thread is for introducing these series to you.
(Be aware that it can also contain spoilers for many episodes)
Have fun!
^Yeah. This must had been done. It exists? There's few fans of it? Then yeah. There must had been done a thread.^
1. No spamming
2. No arguing (I don't want drama here,okay? Perhaps it's a discussion who's your favourite character. Then that's okay)
3. Don't hate just because you don't know Teen-Z yet. That's why this thread is for introducing these series to you.
Have fun!