background furry #19375 

Canid Officer: "I think in this case, simple is just what we need."_*He says, while observing the craft break in momentum, rising high to the skies above the reservoir, before listing off to the side, turning and banking back toward the airshipyards._
"...Something like that, with cables, one could launch a few off a moving airship's deck as the winds alone would drive the top propeller to get'em behaving like a kite, and best of all, the airship itself needn't be built solely as a gyrodyne carrier."
Voss: "Ehm... I've also seen alotta silk getting brought in, lately... and that must explain that there;"_*The kobold points, as while the autogyro flies, it stalls for a moment above the reservoir, above a boat sitting out there, before someone suddenly leaps out the aircraft's side, plummeting fast for a brief moment before a crescent-sheet of cloth billows out above him, slowing his descent down to the waters and boat below._
*The autogyro meanwhile continues its return to the smokestacked airshipyards in the distance, landing unto an opened section of rooftop where a landing pad is exposed, before getting pulled into a hangar as the overhead roof closes back up._
Officer: "They call those parachutes... How much silk did you see, Voss?"
The k
Voboldss: "_*Lots_*. _*Lots_* and _*lots_* of, just, bales and bales of silk, all naturally made and recently traded in from the Floranim."
Officer: "Well... I guess we'll all be learning to jump out of aircrafts and airships in the coming days."
Canid Officer: "I think in this case, simple is just what we need."
"...Something like that, with cables, one could launch a few off a moving airship's deck as the winds alone would drive the top propeller to get'em behaving like a kite, and best of all, the airship itself needn't be built solely as a gyrodyne carrier."
Voss: "Ehm... I've also seen alotta silk getting brought in, lately... and that must explain that there;"
*The autogyro meanwhile continues its return to the smokestacked airshipyards in the distance, landing unto an opened section of rooftop where a landing pad is exposed, before getting pulled into a hangar as the overhead roof closes back up.
Officer: "They call those parachutes... How much silk did you see, Voss?"
Officer: "Well... I guess we'll all be learning to jump out of aircrafts and airships in the coming days."