background furry #19375 

"Now, I'd scoff at that, but it just so happens I've had a few bad lucid dreams recently, though I can't tell whether or not they're related to my other self's prolonged death. All those grisly little details are welling back up, anyways..."
*Runshisa hand across the side of his own head and ear, expecting the flat cap he'd worn walking in but instead pushing back his hood._
* "Eyyyyep, there's the culture shock... Was thinking I'd go take a walk outside at first to see what's different, but, well,"
"I think I might just sit near a window... Can I have another martini as well, or whatever this world's got that's similar?"
"Now, I'd scoff at that, but it just so happens I've had a few bad lucid dreams recently, though I can't tell whether or not they're related to my other self's prolonged death. All those grisly little details are welling back up, anyways..."
"I think I might just sit near a window... Can I have another martini as well, or whatever this world's got that's similar?"