Viewing last 25 versions of post by background furry #19375 in topic The Niraya Complex [NSFW, GORE]

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

"[@Jinx":](/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=17171#post_17171) "[@Cerebrate":](/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=17391#post_17391) "[@NyantaStarhunt":](/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=17394#post_17394
The hatch pneumatically-hisses, slowly easing down, it's opposite side ridged like a stepladder... Peering out from the hatchway, the three find themselves on an elevated precipice jutted out from a wall, overlooking an expansive room the size of a large hangar. Panning around, they see "[tall, ghostly beings with fins and piscean-tails":](, working among panoplies of glass and steel._

At the chamber's center, they're seen drawing corpses from a central pile holding many creatures and beings the three've encountered on their journey; notably many smilers, along with quite a few of those behemoths that'd attacked Grimm._

In a routinely manner, they stab hooks through the napes of the larger bodies, dragging them off this way toward one of the many impromptu "recyclers" merged to supply the vat-like meat printers, then carefully push the bodies in feet-first into the bladed machinery until the head's all that's left, tossing the remnant apathetically into one of several surrounding piles._

From those printers with their batches finished, the mutant fish extract fully-grown slabs of muscle, oversized organs, coats of live skin, among other viscera out from the vat-waters, docking the printers' feeding umbilicals off, then hooking the bodyparts unto "[devices":]( feeding "[dark-pinkish fluids":](https://wwwen.youtubwikipedia.comrg/wiki/Liquid_breatch?v=oFFpMqs9kbIing) into them. While organs are tossed into a large pool, the muscle-slabs are meanwhile stretched across open-aired racks, then clipped on the edges with what look almost like jumper-cables._

Flipping a switch, the suspended muscles all begin to contract and loosen, as if these autonomous parts are_* "_[*being exercised._":..*](

Continuing their bizarre rituals in repetition, the creatures don't seem to've yet noticed the three observing..._*
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

"@Jinx":/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=17171#post_17171 "@Cerebrate":/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=17391#post_17391 "@NyantaStarhunt":/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=17394#post_17394
_The hatch pneumatically-hisses, slowly easing down, it's opposite side ridged like a stepladder... Peering out from the hatchway, the three find themselves on thean elevated precipice jutted out from a wall, overlooking an expansive room the size of a large hangar._

Panning around, they see "tall, ghostly beings with fins and piscean-tails":, working among panoplies of glass, steel, and plasticeel._

_At the chamber's center, they're seen drawing corpses from a central pile holding many creatures and beings the three've encountered on their journey; notably many smilers, along with quite a few of those behemoths that'd attacked Grimm._

_In a routinely manner, they stab hooks through the napes of the larger bodies, dragging them off this way toward one of the many impromptu "recyclers" merged to supply the vat-like meat printers, then carefully push the bodies in feet-first into the bladed machinery until the head's all that's left, tossing the remnant apathetically into one of several surrounding piles._

_From those printers with their batches finished, the mutant fish extract fully-grown slabs of muscle, oversized organs, coats of live skin, among other viscera out from the vat-waters, docking the printers' feeding umbilicals off, then hooking the bodyparts unto "devices": feeding "dark-pinkish fluids": into them. While organs are tossed into a large pool, the muscle-slabs are meanwhile stretched across open-aired racks, then clipped on the edges with what look almost like jumper-cables._

_Flipping a switch, the suspended muscles all begin to contract and loosen, as if these autonomous parts are_ "_being exercised._":

_Continuing their bizarre rituals in repetition, the creatures don't seem to've yet noticed the three observing..._
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375