background furry #19375 

"[@NyantaStarhunt":](/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=10829#post_10829) "[@Jiid So Daan":](/forums/rp/topics/the-niraya-complex-nsfw-gore?post_id=10833#post_10833
**Lillith sees much of the same view as Nyanta, but neither seethone another.*
**The distant claw-tapping down the way ceases, leaving the place in usual ambient...**
**While the cell you've awoken in and the sterile-tiled hallway itself seems cold and stedrileary beneath the white-blue florescents, down the hall in the larger room the mysterious stranger is in, it almost lookappears as if more comfortably lvibrant uand lit, berneath warmer colors.**
**Lillith sees much of the same view as Nyanta, but neither see
**The distant claw-tapping down the way ceases, leaving the place in usual ambient...**
**While the cell you've awoken in and the sterile-tiled hallway itself seem