background furry #19375 

could I do what'd essentially be like, playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but across Jupiter('s moons, Greeks, & Trojans)?
%(seasoned with_*Deus Ex_*, & maybe a dash of _*System Shock_*... ^>__>^)~
what I have in mind is, leik,
a cosmos-commercializing "Matriarch of Benevolence Foundation" corporation advocating & trailblazingtranpost--~~human-~~ colonization & scientific advancement across the final frontier, tho in their own case, primarily throughout their officially claimed "Jovian Reef" real estate around Jupiter. ([spoiler]|| assuming space pirates, nations/other corporations jumping stake, or the mentioned aliens don't try muscling in on their turf during expansion, but to that regard, I suppose it'd be good a reason as any to go to war... ^. ~%3~%.^ [/spoiler]||)
could I do what'd essentially be like, playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but across Jupiter('s moons, Greeks, & Trojans)?
%(seasoned with
what I have in mind is, leik,
a cosmos-commercializing "Matriarch of Benevolence Foundation" corporation advocating & trailblazing