background furry #19375 

[ [🎶]( ]
*May 2nd, 21XX...*
"Pacifican diet dissolved around three weeks ago... Lemme tell you something; the no-man's land left in it's wake may be the best free-for-all I've ever seen--I mean, when guns get drawn, and flashpoints are reached, it's absolute, **fucking, *chaos***."

"Some of the more craven, dastardly elements will do things they'd normally never do, just out of the desperation. They'll mug the displaced, they'll take every morsel and dram of food and water from the relief effort drops. I once heard this tall tale goin' around, I hope it ain't true, cuz this is the most sickening thing I've ever heard; this one armed group, dunno if there was a name, tried using refugees as living shields..."
*June 11th of same year...*

"You know, before when I had the black market, boltholes were almost an afterthought, but now that, eh... now that smuggling routes beneath the metroplex have been cracked down on, these hideaways are my sanctuaries, y'know? If I'm not out there, combing through financial offices for foreign bearer bonds, 'r at wit's end scouring municipal servers for blueprints n' admin-passkeys for public makers, I'll more than likely be huddled within one of these hidey-holes, tinkerin' around. I'm something of a MacGyver myself too, by the way... It's insane, with a few desktop-scale makers, I can concoct damn-near-anything, given time, the materials, a design, and electricity..."
*July 25th...*

"The liberationist communities ain't too bad. They're almost all so friendly, it's like some 'nano-soc' hippie commune, everyone of them working together n'shit to keep their neighborhoods runni... I will say, sometimes they're a little too frien-Hey, CAN YOU GIVE ME SOME PRIVAC-"
*July 26th...*
"Y'know, for the most part, we just chill, relax, vibe... These folk don't even have beef with eachother, everybody just keeps eachother alive, well, and able to work at it. Only people we fight are PMCs, usually when they come around to heist the workshops..."
*November 10th...*
" stay down... I'll see if they're still out there..."
*The speaker, one shark named Rameshvara, toggled his hardsuit helmet visor's HUD to IR-only, screening up heat-sources from the post-carnage all around... His CAIS companion hunted up and down the visual spectrum for a split-second, then found optimum false-color assignments for the situation. The smoke faded upward in a slight bluish-glowing swirl rising toward the dead sky that appeared to him like a black void... The ad hoc barricades built up by rogue PMCs here, around Pacifica's seaport-full of shipping containers, fell into sharp focus, mostly in shades of green that verged on being soothing to look at...*
*There was an instant reminder however that this wasn't a calm place, when a flash behind one of the barricades produced a livid bloom on the wall behind--a near miss by a micromissile, the infrared scar left pulsing in false-orange tones, before soon followed up with the wall flickering and sparking to a hail of gunfire.*

"...yep, they're still out there."
"Backup plan: oookeeey, dun' think imma get out intact for this one, eh... Prime the dead-hand triggers for farcasting, stash these bonds into this container here... Y'know, before you die, they say your life flashes before your eyes, like a highlight reel of all your worst and best moments..."
"Wonder if that'll happen to us?"
*The gunfire raking across the dock halted, and a silence began to stretch...thRame shvark who'd been autobiographing himself for half the year peered around the corner again to look, but suddenly recoiled from a searing flash and boom that pierced through the shark's wall of cover;*

*An afterimage ofthe ishark's body exploding in the plasma beam lingered in the space he stood for but a moment,*
*before fading...*
*May 2nd, 21XX...*
"Pacifican diet dissolved around three weeks ago... Lemme tell you something; the no-man's land left in it's wake may be the best free-for-all I've ever seen--I mean, when guns get drawn, and flashpoints are reached, it's absolute, **fucking, *chaos***."

"Some of the more craven, dastardly elements will do things they'd normally never do, just out of the desperation. They'll mug the displaced, they'll take every morsel and dram of food and water from the relief effort drops. I once heard this tall tale goin' around, I hope it ain't true, cuz this is the most sickening thing I've ever heard; this one armed group, dunno if there was a name, tried using refugees as living shields..."
*June 11th of same year...*

"You know, before when I had the black market, boltholes were almost an afterthought, but now that, eh... now that smuggling routes beneath the metroplex have been cracked down on, these hideaways are my sanctuaries, y'know? If I'm not out there, combing through financial offices for foreign bearer bonds, 'r at wit's end scouring municipal servers for blueprints n' admin-passkeys for public makers, I'll more than likely be huddled within one of these hidey-holes, tinkerin' around. I'm something of a MacGyver myself too, by the way... It's insane, with a few desktop-scale makers, I can concoct damn-near-anything, given time, the materials, a design, and electricity..."
*July 25th...*

"The liberationist communities ain't too bad. They're almost all so friendly, it's like some 'nano-soc' hippie commune, everyone of them working together n'shit to keep their neighborhoods runni... I will say, sometimes they're a little too frien-Hey, CAN YOU GIVE ME SOME PRIVAC-"
*July 26th...*
"Y'know, for the most part, we just chill, relax, vibe... These folk don't even have beef with eachother, everybody just keeps eachother alive, well, and able to work at it. Only people we fight are PMCs, usually when they come around to heist the workshops..."
*November 10th...*
" stay down... I'll see if they're still out there..."
*The speaker, one shark named Rameshvara, toggled his hardsuit helmet visor's HUD to IR-only, screening up heat-sources from the post-carnage all around... His CAIS companion hunted up and down the visual spectrum for a split-second, then found optimum false-color assignments for the situation. The smoke faded upward in a slight bluish-glowing swirl rising toward the dead sky that appeared to him like a black void... The ad hoc barricades built up by rogue PMCs here, around Pacifica's seaport-full of shipping containers, fell into sharp focus, mostly in shades of green that verged on being soothing to look at...*
*There was an instant reminder however that this wasn't a calm place, when a flash behind one of the barricades produced a livid bloom on the wall behind--a near miss by a micromissile, the infrared scar left pulsing in false-orange tones, before soon followed up with the wall flickering and sparking to a hail of gunfire.*

"...yep, they're still out there."
"Backup plan: oookeeey, dun' think imma get out intact for this one, eh... Prime the dead-hand triggers for farcasting, stash these bonds into this container here... Y'know, before you die, they say your life flashes before your eyes, like a highlight reel of all your worst and best moments..."
"Wonder if that'll happen to us?"
*The gunfire raking across the dock halted, and a silence began to stretch...

*An afterimage of
*before fading...*