background furry #19375 

_The synth-reptilian woman on the screen was shrieking, steel serrated teeth bared with rage as she lunged at the custodian-bot. Her mechanical fists battered its white plexiglass shell as it vaguely tried to defend itself. Its calming voice drowned out by a shrill stream of invective._
[ "🔊": ]
"Making snuff, sir?" _Rameshvara commented as he entered the lab delivering a case of beer bottles._
_"Carbrey":/forums/rp/topics/frontiers-and-pioneers-sci-fi-nsfw-violence-possible-teases-robots?post_id=5279#post_5279 looked up from his console and smiled._ "Hi Ramesh. No, just checking my new masterpiece. Just watch."
_Carbrey opened a voice link to the test chamber:_ "Coiled alizarine unconformity: stand down. Passive mode."
_The disheveled synthlady, who a moment ago had been murderously looking for a tool, suddenly dropped the pipe she was hefting. She slumped to the floor, covering her face with her hands, the fingers half-broken and contorted. Carbrey muted the sound of weeping._
"Obedience programming? That’s old hat." _The artificial-bodied shark said while offered Carbrey a bottle._
_Carbrey:_ "Thanks. Sure. I just used the fake puppeteer neuro. The interesting part is how it got into her."
_Ramesh:_ "I don’t get it, I’m just a 426. By the way, who is she?"
_Carbrey:_ "Just a random I pulled from the server. I sleeved her into that body and put her into that room. A voice command, and she hated the bot in there with her more than anything. A while before she wanted to have sex with it..."
_Ramesh:_ "I'm sure that appealed to you."
_Carbrey:_ "I would be a liar if I said it didn’t... But the point is, she has a fully functional puppet network running inside her synthbrain. And it got there without me doing any psychosurgery."
_Ramesh:_ "How?"
_Carbrey brought up a series of video clips showing his lab, happy to show off to his synthetic assistant._ "I used another John Doe to infect a mind-transfer bridge with a cognovirus. First I spliced the virus into his mindprint by hand, then I had him upload using that bridge. I then printed out miss anger management with that same bridge. Works like a charm."
_Ramesh:_ "Let me see. You have a brain-carried virus that infects transfer bridges. Anybody who uses one of the bridges gets printed with the virus. And the virus carries a puppeteer payload allowing you to control the infected?"
_Carbrey:_ "Almost right, my friend. I combined the puppeteer with a little neuro-AI I picked up from George's T-Gang. The AI keeps in touch with its peers, allowing them to plan and coordinate when I'm not around. Right now both patient zero and miss random are actually in low-bandwidth subconscious contact using blog messages. That's actually what I am testing now. The sex and violence is just to check that the puppeteer works fine."
_Ramesh:_ "Sure, Carbrey... Actually, you don’t need to test that any further."
"We know it works perfectly." _The shark's face turned spiteful._
_Carbrey looked slightly perplexed at his assistant._ "...How come?"
_Ramesh:_ "Remember what you did to Raudies? And miss Brunel?"
_Carbrey:_"...That was ages ago. I even fixed them afterwards, and you and I are friends."
Ramesh: "Funny that you should say that. Just this morning you said you'd do the same to me.”
_The shark broke the beer bottle against the console, inspecting the jagged glasssharedsge rimming the intact neck._
"...Coiled alizarine unconformity: _*fear me.*_"
_Carbrey's eyes bulged as he retreated towards the wall, unable to avoid watching the artificial-bodied shark slowly approach, silently mirroring the synth lady's unnatural anger moments ago. He was screaming long before Ramesh even reached him._
"Ah." _Mistress Curiana Arabo waved the display closed and turned to the others in the conference space. Carbrey was pale and sweaty, but the beginning of a triumphant smile flickered at the corner of his mouth. Red Ardid stood behind him, expressionless as always. The others were watching with interest._
"Professor Carbrey, we thank you for this convincing demonstration of Coiled Alizarine. It has convinced us that your unauthorized use of scratch synths was indeed for the good of the network. A tool that makes allies deadly enemies is wondrous indeed. A tool that spreads from mind to mind is even greater. Thank you for this gift."
_Carbrey began to thank Curiana profusely._
_Curiana:_ "I think a proper repayment for our test of Coiled Alizarine on you would be permission to multiply instances of your assistant Rameshvara. We are sure you can use him most creatively next time you need a scratch person."
_As the triumphant Carbrey left the conference space Curiana turned to Ardid:_ “I find sore winners most annoying. We can all do with a bit more humility. Keep Coiled Alizarine running in Carbrey, and swap his ownership to Rameshvara instead. Carbrey may've put the two-and-two together, but with what Rameshvara's managed to achieve with that on a fleshen brain, he's more than earned Carbrey's place."
[ "🔊": ]
"Making snuff, sir?" _Rameshvara commented as he entered the lab delivering a case of beer bottles._
_"Carbrey":/forums/rp/topics/frontiers-and-pioneers-sci-fi-nsfw-violence-possible-teases-robots?post_id=5279#post_5279 looked up from his console and smiled._ "Hi Ramesh. No, just checking my new masterpiece. Just watch."
_Carbrey opened a voice link to the test chamber:_ "Coiled alizarine unconformity: stand down. Passive mode."
_The disheveled synthlady, who a moment ago had been murderously looking for a tool, suddenly dropped the pipe she was hefting. She slumped to the floor, covering her face with her hands, the fingers half-broken and contorted. Carbrey muted the sound of weeping._
"Obedience programming? That’s old hat." _The artificial-bodied shark said while offered Carbrey a bottle._
_Carbrey:_ "Thanks. Sure. I just used the fake puppeteer neuro. The interesting part is how it got into her."
_Ramesh:_ "I don’t get it, I’m just a 426. By the way, who is she?"
_Carbrey:_ "Just a random I pulled from the server. I sleeved her into that body and put her into that room. A voice command, and she hated the bot in there with her more than anything. A while before she wanted to have sex with it..."
_Ramesh:_ "I'm sure that appealed to you."
_Carbrey:_ "I would be a liar if I said it didn’t... But the point is, she has a fully functional puppet network running inside her synthbrain. And it got there without me doing any psychosurgery."
_Ramesh:_ "How?"
_Carbrey brought up a series of video clips showing his lab, happy to show off to his synthetic assistant._ "I used another John Doe to infect a mind-transfer bridge with a cognovirus. First I spliced the virus into his mindprint by hand, then I had him upload using that bridge. I then printed out miss anger management with that same bridge. Works like a charm."
_Ramesh:_ "Let me see. You have a brain-carried virus that infects transfer bridges. Anybody who uses one of the bridges gets printed with the virus. And the virus carries a puppeteer payload allowing you to control the infected?"
_Carbrey:_ "Almost right, my friend. I combined the puppeteer with a little neuro-AI I picked up from George's T-Gang. The AI keeps in touch with its peers, allowing them to plan and coordinate when I'm not around. Right now both patient zero and miss random are actually in low-bandwidth subconscious contact using blog messages. That's actually what I am testing now. The sex and violence is just to check that the puppeteer works fine."
_Ramesh:_ "Sure, Carbrey... Actually, you don’t need to test that any further."
"We know it works perfectly." _The shark's face turned spiteful._
_Carbrey looked slightly perplexed at his assistant._ "...How come?"
_Ramesh:_ "Remember what you did to Raudies? And miss Brunel?"
_Carbrey:_"...That was ages ago. I even fixed them afterwards, and you and I are friends."
Ramesh: "Funny that you should say that. Just this morning you said you'd do the same to me.”
_The shark broke the beer bottle against the console, inspecting the jagged glass
"...Coiled alizarine unconformity: _*fear me.*_"
_Carbrey's eyes bulged as he retreated towards the wall, unable to avoid watching the artificial-bodied shark slowly approach
"Ah." _Mistress Curiana Arabo waved the display closed and turned to the others in the conference space. Carbrey was pale and sweaty, but the beginning of a triumphant smile flickered at the corner of his mouth. Red Ardid stood behind him, expressionless as always. The others were watching with interest._
"Professor Carbrey, we thank you for this convincing demonstration of Coiled Alizarine. It has convinced us that your unauthorized use of scratch synths was indeed for the good of the network. A tool that makes allies deadly enemies is wondrous indeed. A tool that spreads from mind to mind is even greater. Thank you for this gift."
_Carbrey began to thank Curiana profusely._
_Curiana:_ "I think a proper repayment for our test of Coiled Alizarine on you would be permission to multiply instances of your assistant Rameshvara. We are sure you can use him most creatively next time you need a scratch person."
_As the triumphant Carbrey left the conference space Curiana turned to Ardid:_ “I find sore winners most annoying. We can all do with a bit more humility. Keep Coiled Alizarine running in Carbrey, and swap his ownership to Rameshvara instead. Carbrey may've put the two-and-two together, but with what Rameshvara's managed to achieve with that on a fleshen brain, he's more than earned Carbrey's place."