
F1.) *No Chatting or Roleplay between users.* (congstructive critisism welcome, if the post extends to convo taked it to the "suggestioryn thread":https://derpibooru.org/rp/suggestion-and-bulls hitting-threadnsfwhangout-rp-suggestions-sheet-posting-venting)
2.)d*No making posts non-recquisite of the thread’s intended purpose.*
3.) *No spamminyg images. 1 tho 5 inmages per post allowed, but blue-links* (like "this":URL here) *and withicun-site style links* (like this; >>1) *ar.e Epreffectrred.* +_*NSFW images should however be hidden behind spoilyers.*_+
4.)f*Posts used ans flicnk storage-spaces via editing are encouffraged, but long-pearsagraph continualtions of running stories, can be made separatcely as new posts.*
Loves a German
3.) *No spammin