Viewing last 25 versions of post by Cobalt in topic San Aligheri: Inferno in Paradise [Cyberpunk, NSFW, Gore]

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Name: Autonomous Retail Enhancement Servitor "A.R.E.S."

Race: Android (protogen)

Age: Has only been online for a few years at most, but has the mentality of a young adult.

Description: 5'4" hyrbidization of machine and synthetic flesh with a monochrome black, white, and silver color scheme. Forearms, hips/ waist, and torso are covered in a lightweight white cerametal casing, while upper arms, tail, lower legs, and a ruff around his neck and shoulders sport a soft coat of synthetic fur. Facial display uses simple array of limited expressions (e.g. Poo-Chi from the 90's) and voice is a series of pre-recordings when following his original programming, but while Deviant (i.e. acting normally) his display uses a deliberate corruption of his original face that allows for a wider range of expression and his voice is altered to allow for a more realistic range of inflection and tone.

Profession: Deviant machine, sidekick to Fortuna Fletcher

Weapons and Equipment: A mag-launch smart shotgun modified to load and fire a wider variety of munitions along with stun pulse functionality. Carries an underslung grenade launcher for additioanal firing options, though he personally prefers to stick to less-than-lethal munitions like sandbag rounds, taser slugs, flashbangs, smoke grenades, and hardening foam. Has "The Manager" scratched into the side of its barrel. Sometimes uses a repeater drone to intercept and spoof wireless signals for hacking purposes.

Augmentations: Shatter-resistant cerametal armor casing and strut-reinforced skeleton, movement uses a hybrid system of synthetic muscle fibers and mechanical servos. Access ports in head have been modified to allow a wider array of input/output options while hardening his systems against unwanted intrusion. Backpack unit contains a biofuel nutrient drip and rechargeable battery system that allows over 150 hours of consecutive functionality at normal operating levels before refueling and/or recharging. "Loss Prevention" mode allows for overclocking of physical systems for increased strength and resilliance and suppression of pain response, as well as enabling stunners in forearms.

Skills: Customer service protocols can be used for information gathering, de-escalation, and diplomacy, AI capable of self-adjustment to -~~meet customer needs-~~ learn new skills and adapt to different situations. Nascent skills as a hacker from self-modification and familiarity with Corporate operating systems and security protocols. Precision navigation and GPS courtesy of "Delivery Driver" mode, and rudimentary hand-to-hand combat protocol packaged with "Loss Prevention" mode.

Personality/Goals: Friendly, curious, and probably too trusting for his own good. Was originally a customer service bot used as a gimmick by an Inferno-level supermarket that went defunct, has since gone Deviant and now seeks self-preservation and companionship. Encountered Fortune when the latter tried to scavenge usable wares from the abandoned store, and sought her assistance jailbreaking himself from the control system that kept him from leaving the premises. Has been her faithful companion ever since.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Hasn't completely overcome all of his original programming and still has to fight with some "canned" responses to certain inputs or stimuli. Outer casing is sturdy but not indestructible. Short stature and preferences for nonviolence limit his usefulness in direct physical combat. Loss Prevention protocols are designed primarily for the pursuit and subjugation of targets of average to above-average physical ability to retrieve stolen wares, limiting its usefulness against trained combatants, and cannot be activated at will. LPMode's ability to ignore pain and redline ARES' physical capabilities can prove a liability as the consequences of such stress and damage will immediately be felt once the item is secured and LPMode deactivates.
No reason given
Edited by Cobalt
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Name: Autonomous Retail Enhancement Servitor "A.R.E.S."

Race: Android (protogen)

Age: Has only been online for a few years at most, but has the mentality of a young adult.

Description: 5'4" hyrbidization of machine and synthetic flesh with a monochrome black, white, and silver color scheme. Forearms, hips/ waist, and torso are covered in a lightweight white cerametal casing, while upper arms, tail, lower legs, and a ruff around his neck and shoulders sport a soft coat of synthetic fur. Facial display uses simple array of limited expressions (e.g. Poo-Chi from the 90's) and voice is a series of pre-recordings when following his original programming, but while Deviant (i.e. acting normally) his display uses a deliberate corruption of his original face that allows for a wider range of expression and his voice is altered to allow for a more realistic range of inflection and tone.

Profession: Deviant machine, sidekick to Fortuna Fletcher
Weapons and Equipment: A mag-launch smart shotgun modified to load and fire a wider variety of munitions along with stun pulse functionality. Carries an underslung grenade launcher for additioanal firing options, though he personally prefers to stick to less-than-lethal munitions like sandbag rounds, taser slugs, flashbangs, smoke grenades, and hardening foam. Has "The Manager" scratched into the side of its barrel. Sometimes uses a repeater drone to intercept and spoof wireless signals for hacking purposes.

Augmentations: Shatter-resistant cerametal armor casing and strut-reinforced skeleton, movement uses a hybrid system of synthetic muscle fibers and mechanical servos. Access ports in head have been modified to allow a wider array of input/output options while hardening his systems against unwanted intrusion. Backpack unit contains a biofuel nutrient drip and rechargeable battery system that allows over 150 hours of consecutive functionality at normal operating levels before refueling and/or recharging. "Loss Prevention" mode allows for overclocking of physical systems for increased strength and resilliance and suppression of pain response, as well as enabling stunners in forearms.

Skills: Customer service protocols can be used for information gathering, de-escalation, and diplomacy, AI capable of self-adjustment to -meet customer needs- learn new skills and adapt to different situations. Nascent skills as a hacker from self-modification and familiarity with Corporate operating systems and security protocols. Precision navigation and GPS courtesy of "Delivery Driver" mode, and rudimentary hand-to-hand combat protocol packaged with "Loss Prevention" mode.

Personality/Goals: Friendly, curious, and probably too trusting for his own good. Was originally a customer service bot used as a gimmick by an Inferno-level supermarket that went defunct, has since gone Deviant and now seeks self-preservation and companionship. Encountered Fortune when the latter tried to scavenge usable wares from the abandoned store, and sought her assistance jailbreaking himself from the control system that kept him from leaving the premises. Has been her faithful companion ever since.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Hasn't completely overcome all of his original programming and still has to fight with some "canned" responses to certain inputs or stimuli. Outer casing is sturdy but not indestructible. Short stature and preferences for nonviolence limit his usefulness in direct physical combat. Loss Prevention protocols are designed primarily for the pursuit and subjugation of targets of average to above-average physical ability to retrieve stolen wares, limiting its usefulness against trained combatants, and cannot be activated at will. LPMode's ability to ignore pain and redline ARES' physical capabilities can prove a liability as the consequences of such stress and damage will immediately be felt once the item is secured and LPMode deactivates.
No reason given
Edited by Cobalt