background furry #19375
"That'll make cheap rocketry expensive... though on the bright side I guess, it staves off kessler syndrome. As for artificial stabilization within a few months, may look at mass-stream space fountain rings for a suspended supercollider, then spin a few supermassive kernels of monopolium along it to ebb it all into a normal spin..."
_Bookmarkinga few ideas on fast terraforming, (as well as ecological repercussions for each), he then exits the lab, interring himself within his ascetically-chosen 10x10 cubic meter broom closet-worth of a personal quarters, to rest until either summoned or on arrival at the new planet._
"That'll make cheap rocketry expensive... though on the bright side I guess, it staves off kessler syndrome. As for artificial stabilization within a few months, may look at mass-stream space fountain rings for a suspended supercollider, then spin a few supermassive kernels of monopolium along it to ebb it all into a normal spin..."