Viewing last 25 versions of post by background furry #19375 in topic Frontiers and Pioneers (sci-fi, NSFW(violence,possible teases), robots)

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

(is that a voice?)
"I'm enjoying what I've seen so far, though right before you arrived, things almost felt like they were about to get dire."
I'm glad you went after us, Olive... Are you cold even with all that gear, though?"
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

"I'm enjoying what I've seen so far, though right before you arrived, things almost felt like they were about to get dire... I'm glad you went after us, Olive... Are you cold even with all that gear?"
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375