Viewing last 25 versions of post by background furry #19375 in topic Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence]

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

name: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
age: 28
sex: male
clan: wolves
main way of fighting: longsword combat & "[armored":]( grappling/pugilism
notes: unconditional partisan of the late prince & his successor. "[Violently":]( scathing & "[satirical":]( at times, but usually reserved.
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Nname: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
Aage: 28
sex: Mmale
Cclan: Wwolves
Mmain way of combafighting: Llongsword fighcombating & "armored": grappling/pugilism
Nnotes: Uunconditional partisan of the late prince & his successor. "Violently": scathing & "satirical":, but usually reserved.
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
Age: 28
sex: Male
Clan: Wolves
Main way of combat: Longsword fighting & "armored": grappling/pugilism
Notes: Unconditional partisan of the late prince & his successor. "Violently": scathing & "satirical": at times, but usually reserved.
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
Age: 28
sex: Male
Clan: Wolves
Main way of combat: Longsword fighting and& "armored": grappling/pugilism
Notes: Unconditional partisan of the late prince and& his successor. "Violently": scausthic andg & "satirical": at times, but usually reserved.
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
Age: 28
sex: Male
Clan: Wolves
Main way of combat: Longsword fighting and "armored": grappling/pugilism
Notes: Unconditional partisan of the late prince and his successor. "Violently offensive": caustic and "satirical":, but usually reserved.
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
Age: 28
sex: Male
Clan: Wolves
Main way of combat: Longsword fighting and "armored": grappling/pugilism
Notes: Unconditionally loyal partisan of the late prince and his successor. "Violently offensive": and "satirical.":, but usually reserved.
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Ulf "The Kingmaker" Johansson
Age: 28
sex: Male
Clan: Wolves
Main way of combat: Longsword fighting and "armored": grappling/pugilism
Notes: Unconditionally loyal partisan of the late prince and his successor. "Violently offensive": and "satirical.":
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375
background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Ulf Johansson
Age: 28
sex: Male
Clan: Wolves
Main way of combat: Longsword fighting and "armored": grappling/pugilism
Notes: Unconditionally loyal partisan of the late prince and his successor. "Violently offensive": and "satirdonical.":
No reason given
Edited by background furry #19375